Black Attempted to Murder Mudshark Girlfriend After Car Chase

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 13, 2017

Willie Amos.

How was she supposed to know the guy was the violent sort?

As far as she know he was a good boy, going to church.

Journal Gazette:

A jury convicted a man Wednesday of trying to kill a former girlfriend during a bullet-fueled car chase and shooting a year ago.

Willie Amos, 40, was found guilty in Allen Superior Court of attempted murder, dealing a Schedule I drug and being a serious violent felon in possession of a handgun.

Defense attorney Anthony Churchward argued no one could prove Amos intended to kill Rosita York. Amos stopped shooting her even though he had more bullets. The only issue at hand was the intent. Churchward told jurors to put emotion aside and ask what are the objective truths.

However, two days before Amos shot York, he told her he was going to kill her. He told her her days were numbered, Deputy Prosecutor Christine Neilson told jurors during closing arguments.

On Aug. 24, 2016, Amos found York near her mother’s house, chased her in his car, ramming it repeatedly and forcing her to crash into a tree. He then shot her three times as she tried to run and then kicked her in the face and stomped on her head before fleeing.

“Make no mistake about it,” Neilson told the jury. “Willie Amos intended to take her life that day.”

The only reason he didn’t shoot her more times is that York played dead, Neilson said.

At one point during the trial, Amos became angry at a firearms expert’s testimony that York was shot with hollow-point bullets. Amos claimed he had only snub-nose solid bullets.

Surbeck became angry at Amos’ outburst, retired the jury and ordered a break. After the break, a sheriff’s deputy testified that Amos had told him, “I’m guilty. I did some stupid (expletive).”

Deputy Prosecutor Tasha Lee repeated during closing arguments that Amos had told York, “I’m gonna kill you.” Lee said Amos shot York with “a big-ass gun with big-ass bullets on the left side of her body,” where the heart is, then kicked her in he face and stomped on her head.

Rosita York