Black Beats 3-Year-Old Nephew to Death for Wetting the Bed

News Shopper
November 11, 2013

Ben Igbinedion has been found guilty of murdering his 3-year-old nephew, Daniel Evbuomwan.
Ben Igbinedion has been found guilty of murdering his 3-year-old nephew, Daniel Evbuomwan.
The mother of a 3-year-old who was beaten to death by his uncle in Downham has been left “empty, heartbroken, lonely, lost, devastated and confused”.

Her son, Daniel Evbuowman, was murdered by Ben Igbinedion, of Darent House, Brangbourne Road, after he wet the bed they were sharing.

Igbinedion, 43, was found guilty by an Old Bailey jury yesterday (November 7).

Mother Augustina Kunu said in an impact statement read to the court: “How do I describe the loss of my only child Daniel?

“Daniel’s death has left me empty, heartbroken, lonely, lost, devastated and confused.

“I cannot concentrate or focus on my studies, I am unable to sleep and when I am able I wake up in tears because I can no longer see him lying by my side.

“I cannot get over Daniel’s death because of the bond we had.

“He was a brilliant son, a friend, a star, a hero and a help-mate. He would look into my eyes and say ‘Mummy how are you?’

“His death has affected my marriage, leaving it empty because Daniel was our dream, the pride and crown of our marriage.

“His dad, Victor, has been left broken-hearted, confused, lonely and empty.

“This whole matter has pulled our family apart. My prayer is that God will restore peace to our families.”

The Old Bailey heard how, on March 2, Daniel was staying the night at Igbinedion’s, who was left in charge of him and his three children while his wife went to work.

Igbinedion said Daniel and his youngest son should sleep in his room, while the other children slept in their own room.

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