Black Career Criminal on Bail Bond Shoots Cop in the Leg

November 28, 2013

David Williams. Out on $500 bond.

A man accused of shooting at a cop earlier this month was no stranger to shootings and yet, just a few months ago, a judge let him go.

We got a hold of court documents which state that David Williams shot a man 6 times back in 2006. He went to jail and got out.

Since then, according to police, he’s been arrested multiple times, most recently in May, when a judge, knowing Williams was a career criminal, let him out of jail for just $500.

“Oh that’s terrible and then get out and shoot again?” said a woman who wanted to be anonymous, so afraid of violence in her neighborhood.

Just down the street from her house on Lalite in North city, an off-duty police officer was shot November 13. His shin bone was shattered.

On Wednesday, Williams was charged with the crime.

We went to the courthouse to try to talk to Judge Teresa Counts Burke. She wasn’t available and didn’t return my call.

Chief Sam Dotson though was unafraid to talk with us last week about low bonds letting bad guys back out.

“We arrest the same people and no consequences or outcomes that change the behavior,” Chief Dotson said.

His officer may never have been shot at if Williams had still been locked up.

But the chief says this case is far from the only one.

“I can go example after example of situations that I believe as chief, that I believe leave the community at risk when you had the opportunity to keep them safe,” said Chief Dotson.

Neighbors say they just want something done.

“That’s terrible how the gun violence is going around in this area, it’s just not acceptable.

Williams is back behind bars, at least for now.