Black False Rape Accuser Found Guilty of Murder

News Observer
November 23, 2013

Crystal Mangum looking confident with her overweight White legal team, one of whom looks decidedly unconvinced by her.

A jury found Crystal Mangum guilty of second-degree murder Friday in the stabbing death of her boyfriend, Reginald Daye, in 2011.

Superior Court Judge Paul Ridgeway sentenced Mangum to a minimum of 14 years and two months to a maximum of 18 years in prison.

Deputies immediately led Mangum out of the courtroom in handcuffs following the announcement of her sentence.

Not looking so confident now.

Mangum, 35, stabbed Daye, 46, in the side of his chest on April 3, 2011 during a fight at Daye’s apartment. Daye died 10 days later at Duke Hospital from complications from the wound.

Mangum claimed she stabbed Daye in self defense after she fled to the bathroom and he dragged her out by the hair, but Daye told investigators before he died that Mangum attacked him several times with knives before stabbing him in the chest.

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