Black Homo Don Lemon Condemned as White Supremacist

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 28, 2015

The newest face of White supremacy in America is a Black homosexual's face.
The newest face of White supremacy in America is a Black homosexual’s face.

The best part of the Slammed Desk Girl dramafest is that Black homosexual Don Lemon is getting condemned as a White supremacist by liberals across the entire media.

Because of this clip:

All Lemon says is “we need all the information,” and this is the equivalent of a lampshading.

This sub-drama of the larger drama has led to a petition to get Don fired. It already has over 5,000 signatures. He is (was?) also trending on Twitter, with anti-racists calling for this Black homo to be lynched.

Lemon is hated by White liberals across the country for his White supremacist views. Most Blacks, however, do not care or even know who he is.

Lemon is also one of only two known actual Magic Negroes, the other being the Black guy from the Matrix. For those who don’t know, a Magic Negro is a Black who can exist peacefully and functionally in White society.

Ben Carson pretends to be a Magic Negro by talking slowly, but in fact stabs niggas, lies about getting robbed and leaves sponges in people’s brains.

It is a testament to the current state of Negro revolt that one of the only known Negroes to be capable of functioning in White society is aggressively hated by Jews and White liberals – even while he is also a homo!

In other Slammed Desk Girl news, both Hillary and Bernie have come out and endorsed the suffering of Slammed Desk Girl.

Whites cannot even begin to imagine the suffering one feels when the desk gets slammed. Especially after slavery.