Black Lives Activists Whine About Paris Attack News Coverage with #F*CKPARIS

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 16, 2015

Yall niggas aint even no
Yall niggas aint even no

I can’t tell if this is trolling or not. My assumption is that it probably was initially, but then got picked up by the coloreds.


Resentful black activists and their comrades started a backlash against the huge public sympathy for the Parisian victims of the Islamist terror war. On Sunday, they used Twitter’s hashtag #FuckParis to reveal their emotional reaction to their loss of attention.

Breitbart News’ Milo Yiannopoulos reported, the social media backlash began almost immediately by Black Lives Matters activists upset about how the historic terror attack by ISIS that left over 120 dead had stolen the media spotlight overnight on Friday.

A small sampling of the tweets show no sympathy towards the killed and wounded in Paris. Instead, the left-wing activists described the slaughter in France as retribution for the Western colionialist, imperialist, racist, and white culture.

The #FuckParis hashtag also was retweeted by radicals in both America and Europe who supported the Islamist attack and open borders for refugees. 

Children demanding attention.

These people are definitely getting less sympathetic by the second. It just really isn’t popular to attack the victims of a terrorist attack.

As the reader is aware, I’m banned from Twitter presently.

But this is exploitable, if you have an account.