Black Man Tries to Access Michelle Obama’s Bank Account, Claims She Adopted Him

CBS Huston
August 15, 2013

Black criminals are stepping up their game... getting more and more clever with their deceits.... what the hell are we going to do?
Black criminals are stepping up their game… getting more and more clever with their deceits…. what the hell are we going to do?
The Obamas might be surprised to learn that a 29-year-old Texan is claiming to be their son.

The Houston Chronicle reports that Johnnie Gooden Jr. told a Chase Bank employee in Bryan that he wanted access to Michelle Obama’s bank account because he was her adopted son.

When authorities arrived, Gooden told them that the first lady contacted him last Friday to tell him she adopted him.

“Mrs. Obama contacted him through Facebook and adopted him, and he was now trying to get money out of her bank account,” Bryan authorities stated.

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