Black MP Suffering Hurt Feelings After Name-Calling Returned Straight Back at Him

Daily Stormer
May 31, 2014

MP David Lammy believed his own hype and forgot that his position was due to the diversity agenda. He tried to criticize Nigel Farage and then could not cope with all the criticism that was then levelled at him.

Black MP David Lammy has complained of being called mean names, after he called Nigel Farage a ‘racist.’

Why does he feel that he should have impunity to insult people and that people should then have sympathy for him, when the name-calling is returned straight back at him? Where did this completely unearned sense of entitlement come from? Would any Africans care if a White man was subject to racial abuse in Africa? David Lammy if you can’t cope with being called names, then don’t call other people mean names.

Or, you know, just become an adult.

From Haringey Independent:

Tottenham MP David Lammy has said he was subject to racial abuse on Twitter and by email after calling Nigel Farage “racist” last week.

Writing in the Guardian newspaper, Mr Lammy said that he suffered from “a torrent of abuse”, adding that “much of it had racial undertones and in several cases the comments strayed into outright racism.”

He said: “The experience was a reminder, if one were needed, that the battle against racism continues in Britain today.”

Despite this, he claimed that “Britain has come a long way on race”, and that the country should be “proud” in its fight to “flush out prejudice where it still remains.”

Tottenham MP David Lammy looks around his constituency after his tribe have burnt it all down and wonders how he can blame ‘racism’ for it.