Black Murders White Man in Front of His Wife

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 24, 2017

Gary Correa.

We have yet another Black teen murdering a White for completely ridiculous reasons.

New York Post:

Cops are hunting for a teen with a long rap sheet in the murder of a Brooklyn man who was stabbed in front of his wife as the couple walked to their Greenpoint home, police officials said on Monday.

The NYPD said Gary Correa, 19, is responsible for the fatal Friday-night knifing of George Carroll, 42, near McGolrick Park.

“We came up with an identified perp. We are seeking him now,” said NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce. “He is the perpetrator. He’s been identified by witnesses at the scene.”

Carroll and his wife, Christina Romero Carroll, 41, were walking on Monitor Street near Driggs Avenue at around 9:30 p.m. when the husband made eye contact with two men standing on a stoop.
“What are you looking at?” one of the men said, according to Christina.

“I’m lookin’,” her husband shot back.

More words were exchanged before the men chased Carroll down the street. He was stabbed in the left side of his chest.

The killer fled.

I certainly can’t speak for everyone, but in my personal experience I have never been stabbed for making eye contact with a White guy at any age, nor have I felt at major risk for making eye contact with some White guy.

I don’t think it would be a stretch to say that is the case for most people.

George Carroll.