Black Neo-Nazi Caught Spraypainting Swastika

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
October 17, 2017

A 52-year-old black man was caught spraypainting a swastika on the University of Maryland’s campus, and Nazis are to blame.

Notice how in this case, even the black suspect knew to tilt the swastika correctly. This is an important detail to recognize, since the vast majority of these “hate crimes” are done by Jews themselves who screw it up.

Jews draw swastikas incorrectly because it’s like a crucifix held in front of a vampire. They are incapable of actually looking at one. Their lower spatial intelligence (IE, why they don’t have any good artists) might also play a role.

Daily Caller:

A 52-year-old black man is being charged with destruction of property after allegedly getting caught spray-painting a swastika inside campus living quarters, according to Fox5.

Officials for the school discovered the swastika on a trash cart inside the fifth floor of Hagerstown Hall.

One student, apparently bewildered by the news, didn’t seem to recognize the possibility of Ronald Alford Sr.’s artwork being an attempt to stage anti-Semitic sentiment at the college.

“I guess it proves that you don’t have to be a certain race to hate people,” student Abby Gorun told Fox5. “But I mean, it’s just you would think that someone, especially from a race that has been subjected to hate before, you would think why would you want to reciprocate that to somebody else?”

So the reporters are questioning whether this “hate crime” was staged in order to garner sympathy for Jews.

Did local Jewish “community leaders” pay some black homeless guy $20 bucks to do it?

Who knows, the police certainly won’t investigate it. Jewish lightning never strikes twice in the same place.