Black Star Wars or as I Like to Call It “More Nigger-Worship Garbage I Hate”

Oh, now he’s using nigger in headlines, abusing Kathleen Kennedy, eating French cheese, and we gave him the Atlantic cover?

You’re gosh-darn right bitch, and it’s too late. I’ve got 3 million uniques on a Rwanda domain and tragedies happen in two states. I invented skin-hate, you shifty little kikes, endorsed Blake Masters, 14 point lead, vring, vring, vring.


Cringe department?

Irony is millennials’ excuse for everything. It’s like asking the genie for infinity wishes.

I can’t really review Obi-Wan Kenobi ever. I’m too traumatized.

The Red Letter Media reviews are of course good (everything RLM does is good, frankly).

I really liked this other Kenobi review though.

I think “war on boys” is a very simple analysis, but it’s also very simply what’s happening.

My boys are only allowed to watch Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson killing niggers.

They’re like “daddy I want to watch Nigger Star Wars!” and I’m like “I’ll show you niggers – getting machine gunned down by Charles Bronson! Then after that you can watch a new hit movie called ‘Daddy Slams Mommy’s Head Against the Refrigerator Door Until She Loses Consciousness’!”

Boys whose parents let them watch Nigger Wars in 30 years:

My boys in 30 years:

Editor’s Note: Domestic violence is NOT funny and shouldn’t be joked about. The fact is, beating up women is very serious and NOT funny. Every man needs to man up, and really understand something: refrigerator doors are mostly made of cheap Chinese plastic these days, and if you’re going to slam that stupid bitch’s head against something, you should find a surface made of concrete or brick.