Black Tattooed Man Accused of Beating White Guy – He Dindu Nuffin’!

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 8, 2017

He may have beaten this White guy on video, admitted to beating him, told the press he did it and then claimed he dindu nuffin’… so let’s not jump to any conclusions here.


Tampa Police received numerous tips pointing the finger at Thomas and obtained a warrant for his arrest this week. On Friday morning, he turned himself into authorities.

The attack happened on August 13th behind the restaurant. A camera behind the establishment captured the incident. You see Thomas and two others approach Dustin Lee Lowe and then Thomas punches Lowe. The two other men then flip Lowe over and rifle through his pockets, stealing his belongings.

But Thomas contends what isn’t pictured is what Lowe did prior to him throwing the punch. “Everything you see on that video ain’t the truth,” said Thomas from his front porch. “So, how about you tell the authorities to run the whole first video. ” Thomas says Lowe was the aggressor and he and the others with him were simply reacting.

Police are still sorting out what happened and who is telling the truth about what happened. Officers arrested a second man on Monday, Hector Rivera-Reyes. He was not pictured in the video, but detectives believe he was there and was a participant. They are still trying to locate the other two men involved.