Black Woman Who was Free to Leave “Escapes” Hospital by Stealing Ambulance

Dem hotsickle always been tried to hold a bitch.

These niggas ain’t know: can’t any nigga be held a bitch in she been finna dip out.

New York Post:

A Florida hospital patient still in her medical gown was arrested Wednesday after she stole an ambulance, police said.

Marquisa Allen, 25, of Miami allegedly led Port St. Lucie officers on a bizarre chase when she spontaneously decided to steal the unmanned truck.

Officials said she had been sitting on a bench outside the HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital — dressed in the blue hospital gown — when she noticed EMS personnel leave the ambulance running while they dropped a patient off inside.

Allen peeled out of the hospital parking lot, but failed to consider one detail: the ambulance was outfitted with a GPS tracker that immediately provided officers with her exact location, the PSLPD said in a statement.

One little detail… one minor flaw that unraveled her entire plan… the GPS tracker. 

She was quickly tracked down amid the heavy traffic of the Florida Turnpike.

According to a PSLPD spokesperson, Allen was not being held at the hospital and was “free to leave” when she jacked the ambulance.

They say now she free to leave.

But she ain’t know that.

She think them whites be botta do a Tuskegee exengemnent on she black ass.