Blacks Beat and Attempt to Rob White Man Walking to Work

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 5, 2017

This isn’t that big of a deal, it’s just kids being kids.

No need for national headlines invoking race war.


University City man said he’s lucky to be alive after two people attacked and beat him on his way into work.

University Police have one suspect in custody. On Sunday, the victim talked about the attempted robbery and support from his community during recovery.

The typical day turned into a near-death experience for Jimmy Muckle.

“[I was] listening to music in my headphones, playing with my phone, not paying attention, and out of nowhere knocked to the ground and kind of bludgeoned my face area,”

Muckle had to undergo surgery for more than 4 hours. The incident happened in broad daylight before a couple in the neighborhood ran the suspects off.

“Multiple fractures in the jaw area, broken nose, and because of the broken nose they had to do the [tracheotomy] during the surgery,” he said.

Police said they did catch one of the suspects in the attack. Justin Hood, 19, was arrested and charged with first-degree assault. At least one more suspect is still out there.