Blacks Savagely Beat White Guy Offering to Buy Them Food

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 7, 2017

This is why you don’t try and help Blacks, they view it as weakness and will attack you for it.

New York Daily News:

A group of men kicked and pummeled a 37-year-old customer, beating him with his own cane after he offered to pay for their meal, police said Tuesday.

The victim was sitting in booth near the cashier’s counter as customers lined up. Two men came in, and one said loudly that no one would give him a dollar, sources said.

The victim offered to help, and the man went ballistic, first telling him, “I’ve got money, I’ve got money,” and then to “Mind your f—ing business!”

The men closed in on him, punching him and grabbing his nearby cane to hit him with it, sources said.