BLOWOUT: Two Senior FDA Vaccine Directors Resign After Coronavirus Vaccine Approval!

Every article by Elvis Dunderhoff has some kind of Soyjak as the thumbnail and the theme.

This one has a, um… a kind of… Pinhead from Hellraiser Soyjak who is doing the old… you know the… that box from Hellraiser that opens the gate to hell.

It’s a puzzle box that is a symbol for… like I guess… uh… Prometheus?

Not sure. [Andrew Anglin] used to tell people to read/watch Clive Barker’s stuff, because he’s some kind of prophet for Satan who seems to accurately communicate images of evil. But then [Andrew Anglin] figured out there was no real reason to be telling people to look at that stuff.

Probably, a lot of these different sagas that [Andrew Anglin] did across the course of years will be studied in detail in future universities. There will likely be books called things like “Anglin’s Heterosexual-Based Love Affair with Clive Barker.” The book will end up mostly probably being about the impact that Galilee and Coldheart Canyon had on [Andrew Anglin] when [Andrew Anglin] was a teenager and listened to them on audiobook while smoking weed and delivering pizzas (at which point [Andrew Anglin] was making more money than he would ever make for the rest of his life, because his customers would pay him to run drugs and hey, like it says in the Offspring song – “If you’re under 18 you won’t be doing any tie-yie-yiem”).

Remember when all the intros to dumb CNN newsbits used to be this EPIC?

I remember it, but that time actually never existed. This website, formerly known as Tranny Watch and called something else before that (can’t remember), has always been delicious like mom’s meatloaf in that it is mostly filler.

You just remember that every article used to have some EPIC and avant-garde intro because they made an impact on you.


Two senior leaders in the US Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine review office are stepping down, even as the agency works toward high-profile decisions around Covid-19 vaccine approvals, authorizations for younger children and booster shots.

The retirements of Dr. Marion Gruber, director of the Office of Vaccines Research and Review at FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, and Dr. Philip Krause, deputy director of the office, were announced in an internal agency email sent on Tuesday and shared with CNN by the FDA.

In the email, CBER Director Dr. Peter Marks said Gruber will retire on October 31, and Krause is leaving in November. Marks thanked Gruber for her leadership throughout efforts to authorize and approve Covid-19 vaccines, and Krause for serving in a “key role in our interactions to address critical vaccine-related issues with our public health counterparts around the world.”

Marks said in the email the search for the next director of the Office of Vaccines Research and Review would begin imminently and that he would serve as the acting director.

The letter made no mention about why Gruber and Krause are leaving, but the departures sparked questions about whether it would affect FDA’s work during the pandemic.

“We are confident in the expertise and ability of our staff to continue our critical public health work, including evaluating COVID-19 vaccines,” FDA spokesperson Stephanie Caccomo said in a response to CNN.

When asked about the departures during a briefing on Tuesday, White House Covid-19 Response Team Coordinator Jeff Zients did not directly answer whether he was concerned about the departures could affect the level of trust in the FDA’s process. He said the White House was “grateful for the tireless work of the senior team and the whole staff at FDA.”

Are Gruber and Krause Jews?

Presumably not, or else they wouldn’t have any issue with the FDA forcing through this deadly and single-x’d vax.

Even if you believe that Jews can have a conscience as relates to “goyim affairs,” they’re forcing their own Jews to take this deadly vax, so apparently, they legit believe in it.

This article is really bizarre, and goes into some other weird stuff.

And there’s more work to come. In the next few months, the agency will assess and make decisions on additional Covid-19 vaccine approvals and vaccines for children younger than 12.

US health officials also recently announced a plan to begin offering booster doses to people who received mRNA vaccines starting the week of September 20; boosters would be available eight months after people received their second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, they said.

However, that plan requires authorization from the FDA and CDC first.

A source familiar with the situation told CNN there have been frustrations within the FDA when it comes to vaccines.

According to the source, one issue has been that there are concerns that the CDC and its advisory committee have gotten into the FDA’s lane when it comes to vaccines.

However, the largest issue seems to be that by setting a goal for boosters, the White House is getting ahead of where the science is and “prejudging what the FDA would say.”

I don’t know if it’s bots or what exactly is going on with news articles these days, but the way they are written is getting almost as weird as the subject matter.

Which is good for this site, as people have told [Andrew Anglin] for years that they just skip the news quotes and read the commentary (which often isn’t related to the commentary).

And at last, we enter…

Really fits the topic well. [I], Elvis Dunderhoff, is an old dog, an el doggo, and he really runs his circuits dry.

There’s more that [Andrew Anglin] is going to need to say about Clive Barker at some point, and these memes will be back for that.

I assume everyone knows that the White House, and the feds in general, forced through this vax verification process.

There have been zero studies since it was released on the public. They absolutely refuse to record any data about what is going on with it. So, in the (official) eyes of the FDA, nothing has changed since it was initially released.

Also, obviously no vaccine can ever get approved in under 10 years in any kind of non-conspiracy circumstance.

This is a pretty big news story, actually. I think it’s something you should share with normies.

Well, it’s a factoid you should share with normies. Don’t send them this lunatic article by Elvis Dunderhoff, or they’ll think you’re off the goop.