Brave Tranny Abused Daughters, Forced Them to Live in Filth, Did Not Teach Them to Talk

Luis Castillo
Daily Stormer
November 1, 2018

The family courts always give the kids to the mother.

Except in this case.

Daily Mail:

US Marshals are on the hunt for a transgender mother accused of keeping her two young daughters in deplorable conditions at their home in Texas.

Aria Young, 31, who was born a man named Jacob O’Donnell but now identifies as a woman, faces charges of injury to a child. He fathered the children while still a man.

Oh. My. God.

Did the Daily Mail really just misgender this brave woman?

Like, they use her pronouns – and then go back to calling this beautiful woman “he?”

Poor, beautiful victim.

According to the US Marshals Service, Young kept her children, ages five and six, locked in a closet for hours at a time. Neither girl knew how to talk.

The case against the woman began unfolding in May when police responded to an apartment in the 2000 block of South Lakeline Boulevard in Cedar Park and found Young’s daughters wearing dirty diapers and living in filth.

‘The kids can’t even communicate verbally,’ Supervisor Deputy US Marshal Darren Sartin told CBS Austin. ‘They communicate with each other by making noises or sounds.’

The girls’ biological mother told police her children did not have any disabilities but never attended school.

Both children are currently in protective custody.

Daily Mail needs to implement immediate sensitivity training for their racist, bigoted white male writers who are spewing this hateful transphobic crap on the internet.

Also, whichever judge decided that these girls should be given to their psycho tranny dad – we definitely need more of this.

One day, trans folk’s chosen pronouns will always be used, and they will earn the right to raise their children to be tolerate diversity – by locking them in closets where they can shit their diapers until they forget how to speak.

When that day comes, they can finally be happy.

And then, at last, we can be free.