Brave Woman Astrophysicist Denounces White Supremacy in Her Field

Natalie Gosnell, science woman and freedom fighter

Finally, a stupid ass hoe has the bravery to stand up against the systemic racism in astrophysics.

The College Fix:

An astrophysicist at Colorado College said that her field suffers from “systemic racism” and “white supremacy” as evidenced by its focus on “individualism” and “exceptionalism.”

Professor Natalie Gosnell enjoys her work at the intersection of science and art, but one thing she struggles with is the racism embedded in astrophysics. She also said the field has problems with “violent” and “hypermasculine” bias.

“As an astrophysicist, I’m a product of institutions that are steeped in systemic racism and white supremacy,” Gosnell (pictured) told the university publication. “The [tenets] of white supremacy that show up [in physics] of individualism and exceptionalism and perfectionism… it’s either-or thinking, and there’s…no subtlety, there’s no gray area.”

“All of this manifests in the way that we think about our research, and what counts as good research, what counts as important research?” she said.

“Most of Gosnell’s career has been dictated by the hyper-masculine world of astrophysics,” the blog reported. “Now, she is deciding that she doesn’t have to fit into that mold — she is changing the ways she teaches physics, and the way she professionally shares it.”

She said that some “metaphors” used in science are “very violent and hypermasculine.”

The university publication gave an example of how journalists covered the topic of stars dying and transferring their mass to another star in a way that used a “violent, hyper-masculine lens,” by calling them “Vampire Star” and “Cannibal Star.”

When you make this kind of goofy bullshit fashionable, you have women becoming obsessed with putting themselves at the center of it.

Like, you see the way women are with clothes/shoes/hair fashion, right? They want to be the icon of the latest trends, right? It’s the same exact thing with these moral crusades. They look for ways to put themselves at the center.

We need to handle these women quickly.

This is her doing some hardcore science