Breitbart Attempted to Stop Baked Alaska From Talking About Jews

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
January 5, 2018

We’ve been saying for years that the Alt-Lite (InfoWars, Breitbart, MILO, etc) is nothing more than a long con to drag increasingly radical young white men back to the (((conservative plantation))).

But mounting evidence shows that we are the ones dragging the revolution forward. The alt-lite is nothing more than a set of reactionary fingernail scratches on the wall.

In light of the purging of Paul Nehlen, Baked Alaska has come forward to reveal that Breitbart tried to pressure him into lying about Jews. BA could’ve gotten far in the conservative movement if he simply played ball, but he chose to follow his conscience. Whatever people have to say about him otherwise, he deserves respect for his integrity.

At this point, it seems that the Alt-Lite is starting to give up in competing for our demographic and reverting back to the cuckservative mean. Being Alt-Lite puts you in a weird spot where Jews refuse to throw money behind you, but you’re also constantly hemorrhaging supporters and fans to the Alt-Right.

In the case of Breitbart, whenever they start veering too far off-course, Jews fire warning shots at their ad-revenue and sponsors. If Breitbart were to draw the full ire of the ruling class and government (deplatforming, political persecution, censorship) like us real nationalists, it would be the end of their business.

What comes next in 2018 is anybody’s guess. The only thing we know for sure is that the momentum is with the radicals.

As for the tired reactionaries, they will either go back to business as usual or drop out completely.