Britain First Invades Terrorist Base

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 26, 2016

I generally try to be supportive of all nationalist and pro-White groups, but I had almost written off Britain First when I saw the head guy going around to mosques and giving hajis Bibles. Saying the goal needs to be to convert Moslems to Christianity so they at least stop blowing us up is gay, and also nonsensical. Their religion is in their blood – Islam is an expression of their genes.

But I gotta give it to them – this is a good protest. They march through a Moslem neighborhood in Luton and directly confront the hostile monkey residents.

This is one of the best videos I’ve seen in a while. You really get a very clear impression of just how disgusting and invasive these people are.

I recommend Britain First watch their own video, and recognize that the only solution is to remove kebab.

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