Burkina Faso Proposes Creation of Joint Bank with Russia

Related: It is Done: Putin Announces Agreement for the Yuan to Become the New Global Reserve Currency

The jig is up!

We’re building the banks now, Jews!

We’re the international bankers! China! Russia! Africa!



Burkina Faso has suggested creating a joint bank with Russia to facilitate financial transactions between the two countries and promote trade, the speaker of the Transitional Legislative Assembly, Ousmane Bougouma, said on Wednesday.

“I think that when it comes to strengthening cooperation with Russia in key areas of the economy, it is very important that we explore the possibility of creating a joint bank between Russia and Africa with a branch in Burkina Faso,” he said.

The establishment of a joint financial institution will pave the way for broader cooperation between Russia and the West African country, the official said, adding that it would be “useful” for mutual trade and investment.

In January, the prime minister of Burkina Faso, Apollinaire Joachim Kyelem de Tambela, proposed setting up a joint committee to boost trade and economic relations with Moscow.

Someone told me the other day that saying the yuan is going to be the world reserve currency is wrong, because China keeps saying they want a “multi-reserve system.” This doesn’t really make any sense, because small countries are only going to want to hold reserves of currencies that are backed by big, powerful states.

The yuan is going to be that currency, probably. In the past, however, Russia and China have talked about making a special “international currency” backed by gold. This probably makes the most sense.

Well, actually, in fact – in actual fact – Bitcoin is the most logical world reserve currency and international trade currency.

Is that likely to happen? Maybe not, but we can dream.

The Russians and the Chinese have the power to make all of our dreams come true.