California, Oregon and Washington are Giving Up Ventilators

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
April 7, 2020

Several states are giving up some of their ventilators even though we are supposedly in the middle of the worst pandemic in all of human history.

California, Oregon and Washington have announced that they no longer need all of their ventilators despite us dealing with this alleged virus apocalypse. They are offering these devices to other states.


California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday the state would loan 500 ventilators to the national stockpile for use by New York and other states experiencing a crush of coronavirus-related hospitalizations.

California chose to loan some of its equipment because it is not yet in as dire a situation as New York, now the nation’s epicenter for the crisis, said Jesse Melgar, a spokesman for the governor. Newsom said state modeling shows California will hit its peak of cases sometime in May.

“I know that if the tables were turned and we were experiencing a hospital surge, other states would come to our aid and provide ventilators just as we are today,” Newsom said in a statement.

Newsom’s decision follows Oregon and Washington committing to transfer ventilators to New York.

If we were really in the middle of a major medical crisis, none of these states would be giving up this valuable medical equipment. They are only giving up this gear because there is no crisis.

Alex Berenson, a rogue journalist who has been covering this virus hysteria very closely, has noted the same thing.

Just a few weeks ago, there was all sorts of media-fueled hysteria regarding a perceived lack of ventilators. Take in point this March 18th, 2020 headline from The New York Times. They were literally telling people that there weren’t enough ventilators to deal with this virus situation and that untold numbers of people were going to die because of it.

States giving up some of their ventilators pokes a major hole in the narrative that there is a ventilator shortage. In fact, we are already starting to see this narrative shift from a lack of ventilators to an alleged drug shortage. Take for instance this recent tweet from Vox where they link to one of their articles talking about an alleged lack of sedatives.

The doom and fear being spread by the media has been so unbelievably irresponsible that it is honestly difficult to comprehend. Anybody who applies a little bit of logic and reason should be able to see this for what it is.

We have empty hospitals all around the country, tens of thousands of medical personnel laid off and an official coronavirus death total that isn’t even close to the deaths that we see during a normal flu season.

This narrative that we are in the middle of some type of weird virus doomsday apocalypse is nothing but a media-driven fabrication. The economic fallout that is transpiring as a result of this madness is the real doomsday scenario that we should be talking about.