Canada: Anti-Vax Trucker Convoy is the Biggest Convoy Ever in Convoy History

This convoy is apparently a pretty big deal.

They’re saying it’s the biggest ever in history.


A large crowd gathered outside a mall north of Toronto on Thursday to cheer a group of local truckers preparing to join a convoy to Ottawa protesting Canada’s coronavirus vaccine mandate for cross-border drivers.

Some in the crowd threw cash and food up to drivers inside their truck cabs at the Vaughan Mills mall while others waved Canadian flags and signs protesting the government as the truckers gradually rolled out. Some people harassed journalists covering the rally.

The convoy of truckers set to descend on Canada’s capital has prompted police to prepare for the possibility of violence and politicians to warn against escalating rhetoric linked to the demonstration.

The truckers are protesting a new rule that took effect Jan. 15 requiring truckers entering Canada be fully immunized against the coronavirus. The United States has imposed the same requirement on truckers entering that country Jan, 22.

“Canadian truckers rule,” Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted in support of the convoy.

Some with extreme, far-right views have latched onto the protest against the mandate. One online video includes a man expressing hope the rally will turn into the Canadian equivalent of the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capital by supporters of former President Donald Trump.

The Canadian Trucking Alliance has estimated that about 15% of truckers in Canada — as many as 16,000 — are not fully vaccinated

Mike Fabinski, a truck driver from Barrie, Ontario, said the mandate means he won’t be able to work cross-border routes any more.

“You want to be vaccinated, go ahead, your choice. I don’t want to be vaccinated, that’s my choice,” he said.

Fabinski said he has been driving trucks for 20 years but has not been able to travel to the U.S. since the mandate became effective Jan 15.

“I was going non-stop until they started last Saturday,” he said. “Now I cannot go. I cannot work no more.”

Ain’t none of us cannot work no more.

I mean, I can. But I don’t even get paid.

Canadian dictator Jussie Trudeau referred to this massive convoy as a “fringe minority.” He also claimed their views are against the law.

Vax mandating truck drivers is a weird thing to do.

But it’s not, actually.

The mandate involves checkpoints that register in a smartphone app. Tucker Carlson had one of the leaders of the convoy on this week, and he said that the first time he reached the checkpoint, he pulled out his phone to show his QR code. The checker person said they didn’t need to see anything, they’d already registered it on his phone.

So, you know – this is part of the whole thing we said. They’re putting these apps on your phone, they’re going to track your every movement, and then they’re going to start registering and tracking behavior as well.

The so-called “vaccine passport” is going to turn into a personal tracking system, where algorithms monitor and make judgements about everything you do.

That’s a pretty basic Great Reset talking point, I know – but here you see it in action. The QR code isn’t necessary for the checkpoint. The movement is already registered.

It’s Not Going to Work

Jussie Trudeau claims he had a “covid exposure,” so he’s gone into lockdown so he doesn’t have to meet with any of the leaders of the convoy movement. That was smart. But it wasn’t really necessary.

As we’ve said from the beginning: all of these decisions have already been made, and they are already being implemented. There is nothing anyone can do about any of it.


Telling you that you can form a movement and resist this would be lying to you, and causing you to waste energy. You cannot resist it. You could have, ten years ago, when we first started talking about this stuff. But no one believed it at the time. In order for people to want to resist it, they had to see it happen, and now that it’s happened, there is no way to resist it.

Quite a conundrum and a commentary on the human condition.

The only thing anyone can do is run for the hills. Get out of the way. This is in the Bible.

I’m not going to, you know, disavow the words of an Angel of the Lord, but I will say I don’t encourage the part calling for terrorism. I do, however, fully endorse the part where the Angel tells you: “come out of her.”

This is Babylon.

This is the end of the empire.

If you choose to remain inside of these vax prison tranny mixed multitude Babylon cities, you’re going to pay the price for that decision.

I promise you that.

Hell is coming.

You’re not going to push back Hell by parking a truck on a road. Basically, nothing will happen, except that the government will then say that this is the cause of the supply line shortage, and if you don’t want empty shelves, you’d better start supporting even more insane vaccine measures.

I’m not trying to rain on anyone’s parade here. I’m sure these convoyers are good people, and just too stupid to realize how totally hopeless this is.

Remember: the vaxed are never going to support the unvaxed. It would require them to admit that they were manipulated, through fear (of virus or government), into being injected with a deadly poison that is probably going to kill them sometime in the next decade and at the very least will give them permanent life-destroying health problems.

Some minor percentage might admit they were wrong, but it will be a minor percentage. Virtually no one is even talking about all of these football players collapsing on the field and having heart attacks or dying. None of the vaxed want to admit that if they start straining their heart, that could be them.

So: the basic numbers here: the majority are vaxed, so the majority will not support you, so a popular movement is not possible.

It’s not complicated.

You have to give up and run.

For now. 

Then… well, the time is going to come where someone is probably going to start filling cups.