Canada is Officially Truckistan – Truckers Refuse to Leave City, No Solution Seen

This Canadian trucker protest is the best thing ever.

I apologize for anything I might have said that seemed to downplay the severity of it. I don’t want to give anyone false hope – but if there is any hope, it is going to be through direct showdowns with the government, and people simply refusing to comply.

This is by far the most based anti-vax protest yet.


  1. Park the trucks on the roads
  2. Don’t move the trucks
  3. Honk constantly
  4. Win

As long as they don’t move, the government is going to have no choice but to send in the military.

Then there goes the illusion of “this is a free country, we’re just forcing you to take an experimental gene therapy but actually this is a free country because we didn’t use the military against you yet.”

Yahoo! News:

The Ottawa police is facing heavy criticism online for how it’s handling the ongoing trucker convoy, which has been in place in the country’s capital since the weekend.

Police Service Chief Peter Sloly has called the demonstrators “unlawful” and stressed there will be consequences for their behaviour, with arrests made and more coming. He called the demonstration “unique and unprecedented” and said that they are considering asking for help from the Canadian Armed Forces. However, many on Twitter are targeting Ottawa’s police for not doing enough, and are advocating for them to be defunded.

Since the weekend, Ottawa downtown core has been inaccessible, with residents being subjected to non-stop honking.

Monuments have been desecrated and there have been posts on social media of demonstrators carrying flags associated with fascism and white supremacy, like Swastikas and confederate flags. Some shelters in the area have released statements to speak out about the impact the protests have had on volunteers and people experiencing homelessness.

The government can’t fold. If they fold, then the jig is up. Justin Trudeau has to hold the line, to remain in hiding until something gives.

They’ve already called them neo-Nazis and accused them of pissing on the graves of war heroes and some other weird shit. They said they robbed the homeless shelters of food. And so on. Next they’ll say they’re throwing babies out of incubators.

But after that, what’s left? The trucks are on the roads, they say they’re not leaving, so what are the options?

There is no simple solution to a bunch of trucks parked in the road.

This is going to spread outside of Canada quickly. Notice the media did all of these smears, now they’re not really even talking about it that much.

Trudeau came out and said he’s not planning on sending in the military – yet.

But eventually, there is no option.

This is forcing these weirdos to take the mask off. Show us the military, faggots – or just give up and resign.

This is spreading across Canada. There is a “blockade” at one of the US border crossings.

And they’re heading into Quebec City this weekend.