Canadian Teen Arrested For Threatening To Cut Arpaio’s Genitals Off To Turn Him ‘Into a Woman’

CBS Las Vegas
January 9, 2013

Demonstrators Protest Against AZ Sheriff Arpaio During His Visit To CA

A Canadian teen has been arrested for threatening to cut off Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s genitals to turn him into a woman.

KPHO-TV reports the unnamed teenager was arrested for the fourth time for his latest threat against the Maricopa County sheriff. He was recently released from an Alberta-area psychiatric facility before the latest incident.

The sheriff’s office stated that the teen emailed their website saying: I “will never stop until I am put away for good. I hate you so much that I will travel to Arizona to chop off your b**** off with a meat cleaver and turn you into a woman.”

In a statement to KPHO, Arpaio said the teenager is “mentally unbalanced.”

“While laws in Canada may be different, it is still imperative that police recognize the danger someone like this young man poses against not just me, but people in general,” Arpaio said.

This was the fourth time the teen has threatened Arpaio. The previous times the teen allegedly said he would murder Arpaio and his family. The threats originally began last July.

This incident comes as officials are scheduled to vote Wednesday on paying the first installment of nearly $22 million in estimated taxpayer costs for complying with a racial profiling ruling against Arpaio’s office.

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