I’m sure he was the best candidate for the job.
Pope Francis said on Sunday that Wilton Gregory — the archbishop of Washington and an architect of the U.S. Roman Catholic Church’s zero-tolerance policy in response to its clerical sexual abuse crisis — would be elevated to cardinal, making him the first African-American to hold such a position.
The archbishop is one of 13 new cardinals announced on Sunday.
The elevation of Archbishop Gregory, the first American named as a cardinal since 2016, comes as demonstrations for racial justice and debates over how to address the legacy of slavery and racism have dramatically shifted the conversation about race in the United States. In recent months, Archbishop Gregory has urged the church’s leaders to improve race relations, recalling his time as an auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Chicago, and how important it was for young Black Catholics to see a bishop who looked like them.
“Ours is the task and the privilege of advancing the goals that were so eloquently expressed 57 years ago by such distinguished voices on that day,” Archbishop Gregory said in August during a Mass commemorating the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington. “Men and women, young and old, people of every racial and ethnic background are needed in this effort.”
He added, “We are at a pivotal juncture in our country’s struggle for racial justice and national harmony.”
Hm, yeah, actually… that sounds pretty political.
The Catholic Church making decisions based on Black Lives Matter… probably not the best thing to have happening, actually.
By the way: does anyone know why black priests wear pink hats?
Bishop Desmond Tutu is not a Catholic priest. He’s Anglican. And he wears the same pink hat as this guy from Washington.

What is this?
Is it even a thing, or did I just notice it because of Tutu making that color so iconic?
I have Googled it, and I can’t find any explanation as to why blacks in the high churches are obsessed with pink.
(Nb4 “that’s purple”)