CDC Sends Personnel to Fight Marburg Virus in Africa

Marburg is no joke

Are viruses even real?

It seems like that’s something that should be established before we go any further down this “virus war” path.

New York Post:

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is sending personnel to Africa to help quell a rare, deadly viral outbreak that has killed 12 people since February.

Marburg — a viral hemorrhagic fever — had never been reported in either Guinea or Tanzania, where cases have been cropping up in the last several weeks, the World Health Organization said.

The CDC warns that Marburg is “a rare and deadly disease” that can be spread by contaminated objects and animals, like fruit bats and primates.

Marburg is also transmitted by half-primate, half-bat mutants

Symptoms include fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, rash, sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, chest pain, and unexplained bleeding or bruising.

“Infection with Marburg virus is often fatal. There are no approved vaccines or treatments for Marburg,” the agency warns.

The agency is sending its National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases to two regions on opposite sides of the country where the disease is spreading.

The CDC also plans to post notices in international airports warning them about the symptoms of the disease.

There has been a nonstop droning in the background about viruses since the coronavirus hoax was put on hiatus.

At some point, they are going to start the whole virus agenda back up again.

They plan these types of big moves using AI social simulations. So as soon as the ground is fertile for the rise so of the next virus hoax, they will spring it on us.

They keep several of these virus hoaxes on the burner at all times.