Chairman Yang Says Amazon and Google Will Pay for Our $1000/mo

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 24, 2019

Andrew Yang told The Hill that he’s going to pay for UBI by stripping Amazon and Google of their money and giving it to the people.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is simply a reality, and everyone know that there are no magic new wave of jobs coming.

If we do not deal with this, we’re going to end up in a hellish cyperpunk dystopia.

The Hill:

Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang told Hill.TV on Friday that the U.S. was going through a major technological change that led, in part, to President Trump’s election in 2016.

“We’re going through the greatest economic and technological transformation in our nation’s history,” Yang told hosts Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton on “Rising.”

“It’s called a fourth industrial revolution, and it led directly to Donald Trump being elected in that we automated away 4 million manufacturing jobs in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Missouri and Iowa,” he continued.

“My friends in Silicon Valley know full well we’re about to do the same thing to millions of retail workers, call center workers, truck drivers, and on and on through the economy,” he said. “We need to think much bigger about how to help Americans handle this transition.”

Yang is running on a progressive platform that includes a proposal for universal basic income involving a $1,000-a-month “freedom dividend” for every American adult.

So the real question here is: do you want the money or do you want to die of suicide and fentanyl while Bezos lives high on the hog with his robot slaves?

Andrew Yang is the single candidate talking about real issues (plus Tulsi Gabbard, but she’s dead in the water).

Trump isn’t talking about any real issues anymore. All he talks about now is Israel, which is a spook from any logical perspective. Nothing happens to America if Israel is overrun by Moslems. And they wouldn’t even be under threat of that if they just went back to 1967 borders, which is presumably what they would do if America pulled support.

Trump talking about factories is also a spook. Industrialization is over. All of these factories are going to be run by robots.

Bernie’s “free college” is also a spook. More people having college degrees doesn’t suddenly mean that there are more jobs. It just means that college degrees are worth less. That’s how economies work. That’s why communism is so stupid. These people don’t even grasp the basic concept of supply and demand, which exists no matter how you run your economy.

Andrew Yang is against the entire college scam, and wants to get people into trade schools. A lot of the trade cannot be automated. Meanwhile, a lot of white collar jobs will be automated. Jobs that people did with real college degrees, not humanities bullshit “participation trophy” degrees.

Yang’s entire thing stops working with immigration, so I think it is very unlikely that he is actually in support of the current policies of the Democrat Party. He believes in math, so he’s going to have to come up with a better explanation for it then “oh my god it’s so sad they’re poor.” And a better explanation than Trump’s “people for factories.”

Here’s the best part.

Andrew Yang is going to debate Ben Shapiro on the issue of male genital mutilation.

I think Shapiro is probably not going to go full-Podhoretz and accuse Yang of being an anti-Semite.

But this will get him exposure to Shapiro’s entire audience.

It is clearly an excuse on the part of Shapiro to try to take him down. He’s probably even going to bring up my support of Yang in the debate.

Oh, the hubris of the Jew.

Here are some Yang Memes from Owen Cyclops.

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