Charlottesville Launches Broadside Against US Constitution

Hunter Wallace
Occidental Dissent
October 13, 2017

In the latest sign that the City of Charlottesville considers itself a sovereign nation with its own foreign policy as well as the authority to nullify the US Constitution, two new lawsuits have been filed in federal and state court against Unite the Right organizers.

The lawsuit alleges that Jason Kessler and a number of pro-White organizations conspired to hold a “Unite the Right Free Speech Rally” in Lee Park in the City of Charlottesville to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee Confederate monument, the anti-White vitriol of Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy and the violation of Jason Kessler’s civil rights by an anarchist street gang. The White Nationalist organizers are alleged to have made “incursions” into the sovereign nation of Charlottesville where they engaged in “hate speech” which caused severe emotional distress to several sheltered residents.

It gets even worse. The Unite the Right organizers, the Redneck Revolt counter-protesters and several unaligned Patriot groups were seen carrying guns in Charlottesville on August 12th which many residents found scary. The hate groups brought Confederate Battle Flags and American flags which are known symbols of white supremacy for the purpose of intimidating people of color. The public display of these archaic symbols and constitutional rights, including the right to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and the right to bear arms by White males, has left the City of Charlottesville in a traumatized state to this day. The toxic masculinity that was on display on August 12th has caused the plaintiffs to experience severe chest pain and recurring nightmares resulting in economic hardship.

After a federal court ruled that the City of Charlottesville had to allow the “Unite the Right Free Speech Rally” to proceed, the City of Charlottesville had no choice but to defend its sovereignty against the hostile White Nationalist invaders. It nullified the federal court order by ordering its police force to stand down and cede control of the streets to a deputized anarchist vigilante force. The violence which resulted from their attacks was used as an excuse to declare an “unlawful assembly” in Charlottesville and a “state of emergency” by Gov. Terry McAuliffe in Virginia. In such a way, Charlottesville was able to rid itself of the so-called First Amendment of the US Constitution and preserve its own orthodoxy.

The plaintiffs allege that nearly two hours after the Unite the Right organizers and attendees had left Charlottesville in compliance with Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s “state of emergency” – which applied only to the White Nationalists, but not to the Antifa counterprotesters who were still parading through the streets at that time – Andrew Anglin of The Daily Stormer initiated telepathic contact with James Fields, Jr. from his residence in Lagos, Nigeria and through a transatlantic Vulcan mind meld caused Fields’s car to plow into the crowd resulting in the death of Heather Heyer from a heart attack.

In the months since the events of August 12th, the City of Charlottesville has continued to make progress toward riding itself of the bigoted heritage of the US Constitution:

1.) It has vandalized the Thomas Jefferson monument, shrouded the Robert E. Lee monument in a trash bag and voted to remove the Stonewall Jackson monument.

2.) It has indicted Unite the Right organizer Jason Kessler on a perjury charge in order to intimidate him into not filing a lawsuit against the City of Charlottesville.

3.) It has denied bail to political prisoner Christopher Cantwell on the grounds of “hate speech” which is a serious crime in the sovereign nation of Charlottesville.

4.) It has issued warrants for the arrests of White Nationalists who were in Charlottesville on August 12th who were forced to defend themselves after the Charlottesville Police stood down and were attacked by Antifa and Black Lives Matter counter-protesters as a result. The City of Charlottesville doesn’t think it is necessary to arrest anyone on the other side of that conflict though. The sovereign nation of Charlottesville has adopted a social justice system which weighs all violent crimes on the scale of wokeness. It is sometimes necessary and legally permissible to punch Nazis – wide latitude is granted on this point as anyone carrying a Confederate Battle Flag is also a “Nazi.”

5.) The sovereign nation of Charlottesville has declared itself a sundown town and allowed the anarchist street gang to chase people out of City Council meetings.

6.) Charlottesville has addressed the concerns of the community by allowing an anarchist mob to hijack and occupy City Hall whenever the mood strikes:

7.) Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy has continued to tune out White people at City Council meetings:

Bellamy enjoys seeing “little white men and the look on their faces when they have to look up to you.”

The sovereign nation of Charlottesville, which Mayor Mike Signer labeled the “Capital of the Resistance,” does not recognize the authority of President Drumpf. It hopes that this new lawsuit against the Unite the Right organizers and various Patriot groups can be the coup de grace to the US Constitution. It might even prove to be a model that can be exported to other cities which want to chill the constitutional rights of so-called American citizens who cling to heretical moral values and voted for the wrong candidate in the 2016 presidential election.