Charlottesville: White Man Convicted for Defending Self Against Ungrateful Attacker DeAndre Harris

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 2, 2018

The absolute state of the US Justice System.

We have video which proves, without any doubt whatsoever, that DeAndre Harris was carrying around a flashlight attacking white people in Charlottesville. We have footage of him attacking people, unprovoked.

We’ve gone through all of this.

It’s all fine and dandy for the media to just be like “oh he’s black so he’s the victim” like they did with the ungrateful criminals Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, et al, but you can’t just send someone to prison for ten years for “defending self while white.”

Oh, actually it seems you can do that.

Fox News:

A white Arkansas man has been found guilty Tuesday of malicious wounding in the beating of a black man during a violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., last year.

Jacob Scott Goodwin, 23, reportedly wore a military tactical helmet and brandished a large shield during the Aug. 12 attack inside a parking garage against DeAndre Harris, 20, The Washington Post reported.

Harris, a former special education instructional assistant, reportedly suffered a spinal injury, a broken arm and head lacerations that required eight staples after the assault.

Harris was charged then acquitted in March of misdemeanor assault and battery against one of the white supremacists involved in the altercation, the report said.

The long story short: he went to Charlottesville with a terrorist group to start shit. And he got his ass beat.

He wasn’t punished because he was black, the people he attacked are being punished because they are white.

This is our reality now in America.

You cannot trust the justice system not to send you to prison for being white.

Goodwin was convicted by a jury of nine women and three men, who recommended a sentence of 10 years, with the option of suspending some time and a $20,000 fine, The Post reported.

75% fucking female jury.

In Charlottesville.

Might as well have just dragged the poor bastard behind a truck, Matthew Shepherd style.

Online footage of the beating helped tracked down the alleged perpetrators’ identities, including Goodwin, who was arrested two months after the rally, the newspaper reported. Goodwin claimed self-defense.

“I thought he was a hostile . . .  to be honest, I was terrified,” Goodwin said, according to The Post. “I’d probably perish or be sent to the hospital and be terribly hurt.”

Prosecutors said it was Goodwin who wanted to fight.

It sort of speaks to the whole premise of the event.

Our guys went there to give speeches and so on, the police drove us into a violent crowd of armed terrorists, a battle royale type situation ensued, a car crash happened after the driver was chased with a gun and beat with bats, and a fat bitch had a heart attack apparently as a result of the sound of the crash.

And then the entire media went into full overdrive accusing us of being a terrorist force. And they just kept saying it over and over and over again. And now people are going to prison based on that media narrative.

The larger issue of justice and truth being irrelevant to American courts as they differ to media narratives is absolutely frightening – it’s a dystopian nightmare.

But that is where we are at.

In current year.