Cheap Gook Crap: Headphones Blow-Up in Woman’s Face on Plane from BJ to Oz

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 15, 2017

Cheap gook products are still a horrible plague on our society.

Granted, they have gotten better than they were in the 90s, but not by a lot. And the reason they’ve gotten better is that production methods have improved. If we were still producing electronics at home, they would be better than what we were producing in the 90s when Bill Clinton shipped all our jobs to gookland.


A woman’s battery-operated headphones exploded on a flight from Beijing to Melbourne, leaving her with a blackened face and singed hair. Australian officials have warned of the dangers of batteries on flights as a result.

The unnamed woman was listening to music on her battery-operated headphones on a flight in February. Two hours into the flight, the passenger, who had fallen asleep, heard a loud explosion and felt a burning sensation on her face.

“As I went to turn around I felt burning on my face,” she said. “I just grabbed my face which caused the headphones to go around my neck.”

“I continued to feel burning so I grabbed them off and threw them on the floor. They were sparking and had small amounts of fire,” the woman said. The battery and its cover had melted into the floor of the airplane. The woman suffered burns on her hand, neck and face.

“As I went to stamp my foot on them the flight attendants were already there with a bucket of water to pour on them,” she said. “They put them into the bucket at the rear of the plane.”

Those onboard the flight were “coughing and choking the entire way home,” due to the smell of burned hair and melted plastic, the passenger explained.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) assessed the device and determined that the batteries likely caught fire.

As she was leaving China, I’m assuming this was an actual Chinese product, rather than an American, Korean or Japanese product made in China. Those are way worse. That crap blows up constantly. The Asians who use these products just have to deal with electronic explosions as a fact of life, like mosquito bites or acne.

We need to bring our industry home. When we begin making stuff at home, the whole world is going to want our stuff and we will be able to make a lot of money. We will all get very rich.