Child Tranny War: James Younger Might be Safe, But Children Across America Continue to be Mutilated

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 27, 2019

The case of James Younger appears to have been barely saved, and it appears that it is not going to be allowed for the government to take a boy from his father and force him to be put on puberty blockers (chemically castrated) at the whim of a hateful mother.

The governor and Ted Cruz have gotten involved, and it looks as though it is going to be taken out of the (completely unconstitutional) family court and into the child services department.

Houston Chronicle:

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services will investigate a Dallas case in which a child’s gender identity is at the center of a dispute between the parents.

On Thursday, a Dallas jury granted the mother, Anne Georgulas, and father, Jeffrey Younger, joint custody of the 7-year-old, according to the Dallas Morning News. The child was born male, but Georgulas contends the child has gender dysphoria and should transition. Younger disagrees.

The case, which has drawn the ire of conservatives including U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and Gov. Greg Abbott, is quickly becoming another battleground for legislating transgender issues raised by the so-called bathroom bill in 2017.

Patrick Crimmins, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, said a review of the allegations in the Dallas child custody case is underway.

A top lawyer from the Texas attorney general’s office, who once described a case of a transgender student suing a school for bathroom access as part of “Satan’s plan,” requested the child protection agency to investigate in a letter Thursday.

First Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Mateer wrote that he believes the child is in “immediate and irrevocable danger.” Mateer was nominated to a federal judgeship by President Donald Trump in late 2017 but was dropped from consideration after his comments about transgender children circulated publicly.

“We ask that you open an investigation into this matter as soon as possible and act pursuant to your emergency powers to protect the boy in question (from) permanent and potentially irreversible harm by his mother,” Mateer wrote.

Other Texas officials have also weighed in on the case. Cruz said he finds it “horrifying & tragic” and said the use of hormone blockers at the child’s age amounts to “child abuse.”

“A 7-year-old child doesn’t have the maturity to make profound decisions like this,” Cruz wrote. “The state of Texas should protect this child’s right to choose — as an informed, mature person — and not be used as a pawn in a left-wing political agenda.”

So I guess this is a victory.

But you know – not really much of one.

The fact is that we were at the point where the state was forcing a father to watch his son be brutally sexually abused and mutilated in a horrific manner, and this was only stopped with a last minute Hail Mary play.

He was basically saved by an internet uprising.

This is what we call “hanging on by the skin of your ballsack.”

The fact that this got to that point is absolutely insane and very difficult to even grasp.

(Honestly I think a big part of all of this is that people are not able to grasp what is going on, and are thus tuning out. It is inconceivable that a child would be taken from his father against his will and forcefully mutilated by state mandate. And so a good number of people literally can’t conceive it.)

If conservatives had any spine at all, they would pivot from this extreme and emotionally charged case to saying “okay, we need a law that makes it illegal for children to engage in so-called sexual reassignment medical procedures before they turn 18.”

And in Texas, you could get that passed, and in the rest of the south they would follow suit.

But instead, this is being treated as an isolated case, even whilst it is happening – under slightly different circumstances, and thus with many fewer eyes on it – all across the country.

Every day, at children’s hospitals and pediatric endocrinology clinics across the country, hundreds of children are being shot with the hormones of the opposite sex as a part of this deranged, systematic homosexual child abuse program.

The fact that boomers aren’t pushing back indicates that they’ve given up. Gen X was never particularly engaged in any of this stuff. And millennials are the generation that accepted it all.

The future does belong to the youth.

And it is up to gamers to rise up and save our lads.