China Arrests Two Canadian Spies as Revenge for Canada’s Kidnapping of Huawei Head

The Canadians that China has accused of spying look like spies.

They may look the most spylike of any individuals I’ve witnessed this far.

Michael Spavor
Michael Kovrig

I mean, those are a couple of suspicious characters.

But if this is some kind of political prosecution then, well, maybe Canada shouldn’t have kidnapped the Huawei head for political reasons? I guess?

When you start doing kidnappings for political purposes, you’ve entered into very dangerous foreign policy. The West is used to being able to get away with this sort of thing. They’re still coming to terms with the fact that China is a serous country who can push back.


China has charged two Canadian nationals with espionage in a move Canada maintains is retaliation for the arrest in Vancouver, British Columbia, of a top Chinese business executive on a U.S. extradition warrant.

Former diplomat Michael Kovrig and businessman Michael Spavor were arrested in December 2018, shortly after Canadian officials detained Huawei Technologies Co. chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou.

The U.S. has charged Meng, daughter of the technology giant’s founder Ren Zhengfei, with fraud in seeking to evade U.S. sanctions against trade with Iran. Canadian authorities arrested Meng at Vancouver’s airport as she was preparing to leave the country. She has been under partial house arrest for 18 months since posting bond of 10 million Canadian dollars ($7.38 million).

China’s top prosecutor said Friday that the two men will be tried separately: Kovrig, related to gathering state secrets and intelligence and Spavor , related to stealing state secrets and providing them to foreign countries, according to the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, China’s highest prosecutorial body. Kovrig is being held in Beijing and Spavor in Liaoning province, which borders North Korea.

In a major setback for Meng’s fight to avoid extradition, a Canadian judge last month ruled that the U.S. charges against Meng could also constitute crimes in Canada. Meng’s attorneys had argued that Canada could not extradite her to the U.S. if her actions were not criminal under Canadian law.

The Meng, Kovrig and Spavor prosecutions are taking place as the U.S. and China spar over Huawei’s efforts to be the world’s dominant provider of 5G telecommunications equipment. The U.S. says Huawei is guilty of corporate espionage and stealing technology from U.S. companies. It also says Huawei’s equipment represents a security risk to the West and is urging other nations not to purchase Huawei’s 5G technology.

China and Huawei deny the allegations.

I assume the men are spies and it’s just that China arrested them because of the business with Meng. Typically, when a country identifies spies, they don’t arrest them, because arresting them would mean that more spies would be sent who they might not be able to identify, and you can use them for purposes such as this, when you need to make a statement.

This entire war with China is retarded, and they are willing to escalate it further than anyone in the West is ready for. What does anyone even think the people are going to gain from this? It is transparently related to a desire by the Jews to maintain full global domination through their democracy system.