China Blockading Taiwan in Response to Old Hag Meeting with Gay Retard

This week, the old hag Tsai Ing-Wen had a very intimate meeting with the gay retard Kevin McCarthy.

Tsai is known for being a rebel leader in China, while McCarthy is famous for guzzling Jewish cock like a Slurpee machine.

Because of this distasteful and disgusting meeting, a vulgar stain on the earth itself, China is moving to encircle Taiwan.

It’s just a drill.

But one would hope that the “drill” in this case is a cover for an actual bombardment and capture of the island.

If Taiwan were to be captured, the United States AKA Analmerica AKA The Great Satan would have no grounds on which to start a war with China.

If China could swiftly grab the island, they would nip this planned US war in the bud and save the whole world a lot of trouble.

Tsai, who is an old slut and ugly, has been doing a “doom tour” of Analmerica.

This shameful display involved getting an award from the terrorists at the Hudson Institute. This is where Pompeo the Hutt now works, and the key think tank advising the Biden Administration on how to provoke a war with China and Russia at the same time. It is Jewish.

Before Biden was elected, the Jew he chose as his Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, visited Hudson to say that he thinks the primary focus of Analmerica needs to be on provoking a war with the Chinese.

It is bizarre and ridiculous that Americans are so stupid they actually believe there is a difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Tucker Carlson, who is supposed to be “far right,” promotes so-called “anal marriage” AKA “fist marriage” and says “fuck white people.”

Carlson is also psychopathically pro-war with China.

All he talks about now is China.

His aggressive talk of China coincides with the Biden push for war with China.

So, you have the “far right” talkshow host giving a reacharound to the Democrat president (who stole the election, by the way – something Carlson covered up). On the issue of war with China. Because war is where the lines between the parties always disappear.

While the old bag of bones Tsai was meeting with the moronic faggot McCarthy, Chinese people in America were protesting this attempt to start a war.

The US wants to bring people from everywhere to bury the American people, but you are soon going to see them ejecting Chinese visitors from America as this cold war heats up.

Meanwhile, another used-up slut, Ursula von der Leyen, is promoting war with China to the European people, claiming inexplicably that a Taiwanese rebellion against their government is a key purpose of the existence of the EU.

In Taiwan itself, a protest against the meeting between Tsai and McCarthy, which was also protesting an invasion of the country by other gay, retarded US politicians, drew many more participants than any event supporting this dark intercontinental alliance of women and homosexuals.

The whole situation is totally moronic.

There were no problems between Taiwan and China before Joe Biden took office and started pushing for war.

It maybe started a bit before that, under Donald Trump, with Mike Pompeo getting very aggressive. But it was Biden who really went nuts, claiming that Taiwan is an independent country and so on.

While escalating tensions, sailing warships in and out, flooding the country with weapons, sending in Nancy Pelosi, and doing all of the rest of these hostile actions, the Biden Administration also claimed that “China wants war” and “China is planning to invade Taiwan.”

This has become a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. China had absolutely zero reason to oppose the status quo with Taiwan. Everyone was doing fine and making money. Then, all of a sudden, the US brings in this firestorm of aggression, and China is made to look weak. The people of China are crying out for the government to do something to push back against the aggression of America.

Therefore: maybe they will invade Taiwan. It’s obvious now that the US has zero interest in making peace with other countries. Everyone can see what they did to Russia, backing them into a corner and giving them no option but war.

Nothing good can ever come from the United States. This is a country that cuts the tits off of teen girls and tells preschoolers that anal fisting is “love.” It is a country that produces only pain, suffering, and death. It is a satanic cesspit, a nation that abandoned God and was thereby cursed by God.

China should do more than liberate Taiwan – they should preemptively nuke America.

We are living in the technological age. There is no need for poverty or war. The world would be a very good, fun, peaceful place if the United States stopped existing.

While the United States Anal Empire exists, there can be no peace, because this is a country that only tolerates total submission. They do not allow other people to exist. US policy is: “Fly the rainbow flag or we will destroy you.”

If You Don’t Stand with China Against Analmerica, You’re a Faggot

There is a clear binary here: there is China and there is Analmerica.

If you don’t support China, you support Analmerica. There is no third position.

If you support Analmerica, you support the anti-white system of mass immigration, BLM, child trannies, gay marriage, and on and on. For this system to end, the empire must fall, and China is the one pushing for the fall of the empire.

This isn’t complicated. Don’t get caught up in the noise trying to confuse that situation.

Some of the noise includes: claiming that the US State Department are white nationalists

If you’re stupid enough to believe that, then I suggest you kill yourself.

Another claim is that you should form personal feelings about Chinese people (based on nothing), and then take positions on politics based on those feelings you’ve formed.

Again, if you believe that… you know what to do.

If you’re standing with Taiwan and Analmerica, you’re standing with every single goofy scumsucking leftist anal-fister on Twitter. Every single Ukraine faggot forced meme doge account is standing with Taiwan.

Is that the company you want to keep?

The basic fact is that China is going to win and it’s best to get on-board now.

The position of Westerners on this issue matters, because when things get hot, the US is going to try to bring the country together around the rainbow flag and send everyone off to war. The less cohesive the country is at that point, the better.