China Classifies Transgenders as “Mentally Ill,” Some Perform Sex-Change Surgery on Themselves

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
May 12, 2019

Who’s with you?

Uh… not China.

This story is probably exaggerated or even made up, because I do not think that there are very many trannies in China. However, they are close enough to tranny-central in Southeast Asia that there is bound to be some spillover.

They are no doubt printing this now as there is a build-up of anti-China sentiment in the media (because trannies are now a fundamental part of “our values,” and we won’t tolerate another country refusing to accept them). But for the sake of consideration, let’s just take it at face value.

Daily Mail:

Transgender people in China are driven to buy black market drugs and even attempt surgery on themselves due to widespread discrimination, according to a new report.

In China, trans people are classified as having a mental illness and gender-affirming surgeries require the consent of families, creating a major barrier in accessing safe treatment, according to human rights group Amnesty International in a report published today.

What a stark contrast with the West, where doctors tell fathers that they’ll pump their 14-year-old girl full of testosterone without parental consent, where governments encourage children to “transition,” where psychiatrists say men who chop off their own penises themselves using ceramic knives are sane and where school teachers brainwash 8-year-old boys into transgenderism and force them to watch footage of surgeons chopping off Jazz Jennings’ penis.

The prevalence of stigma, an ‘alarming’ lack of knowledge in the public health system and other restrictive eligibility requirements have driven young transgender men and women to seek unregulated and unsafe alternatives, researchers found.

This is the same argument they use to push for abortion everywhere. They say that women are going to abort anyway so it must be legal to ensure they don’t die in the process after resorting to dangerous surgeries. Now, the same argument is used for transgenders.

“Trannies are going to chop off their dicks no matter what so we might as well legalize the practice and provide a safe way for them to do it.”

‘China is failing transgender people,’ said Doriane Lau, China Researcher at Amnesty International.

Discriminatory laws and policies have left many people feeling they have no choice but to risk their lives by performing extremely dangerous surgery on themselves and to seek unsafe hormone drugs on the black market,’ Lau said.

China tells trannies that they’re mentally ill and trannies respond by chopping off their penises themselves.

Yeah, that will definitely not prove that they’re mentally ill — no, that will prove China wrong.

The Chinese are also on the vanguard of technological development. Even though most of that is due to the West indirectly giving them technological “trade secrets” by moving manufacturing to China, they have proven to be great at optimizing and building upon existing technology and science.

Daily Mail:

Chinese researchers have developed a new camera technology that can render human sized-subjects as far as 28 miles away.

According to a paper from researcher Zheng-Ping Li published in the open source journal ArXiv, the camera technology can cut through smog and other pollution using a mixture of laser imaging and advanced AI software.

While LIDAR technology, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, has been used previously in other cameras and imaging techniques, researchers say a new software helps to mitigate the noise of predecessors.

In a technique called ‘gating’ software helps ignore photons reflected by other objects in the camera’s field of view.

Without digging too deep, Huawei is currently one of the best — if not the best —phone manufacturers in the world, which may or may not be related to the fact that brands such as Apple have been making their phones in China for some time now, giving the Chinese pretty much a step-by-step instruction on how to make good products. Many car companies make their cars in China, and the Chinese are incorporating what they’ve learned, making these cars to the manufacturing process of their own cars, which are getting better every year.

They are picking the best from the West and rejecting the rest. If they continue on their current path and the West continues on its current path… what do you think will happen?

Their social cohesion is something to behold.

They recently put on a Kung Fu display that could be seen from space.

Maybe we could learn a thing or two about teamwork from them — like how to recognize who our teammates really are, for starters.

Imagine what we could accomplish if whites had that strong of an in-group preference.

Remember the last time some of our people worked together to advance our interests?

We almost saved the world.