China to Fire Hypersonic Missiles During Taiwan Justice Operations

As you may remember from a few months ago, “military drills” were the explanation for why Russia was amassing troops on the border of the Ukraine.

Obviously, a military has to do that, because you can’t just say “oh sure – we’re mounting troops for an invasion, actually.”

But, you know. Interesting to note.


The large-scale military drills Beijing launched near Taiwan in response to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the island involve the “use of advanced weapons,” including state-of-the-art hypersonic DF-17 missiles, according to China’s Global Times newspaper.

The ongoing exercises entail a “joint blockade, sea assault and land and air combat trainings,” the state media outlet reported on Wednesday, adding that Chinese J-20 stealth fighter jets were taking part in the exercise as well.

As the main stage of the exercise kicked off on Thursday, Global Times called the drills “unprecedented,” adding that Chinese missiles were expected to “fly over the island of Taiwan for the first time.” People’s Liberation Army (PLA) forces are also expected to enter the area within 12 nautical miles of the island, and could potentially surround the island “entirely,” it added, citing military “experts.”

The Chinese Armed Forces Eastern Theater Command said on Wednesday that the forces involved in the exercise already conducted “realistic combat-oriented” drills to the north, southwest and southeast of the island.

The drills are expected to run at least until Sunday noon, Xinhua News Agency reported, adding that they will involve “live-fire drills in six large maritime areas and their air space surrounding the island of Taiwan.”

Before the Ukraine invasion, the US government was whining that Russia was planning to invade. They don’t seem to be doing that about China just yet. But China is acting like they might just set up permanent drills around Taiwan, indefinitely, which may effectively function as some kind of blockade.

Obviously, they’re going to need to feel out the situation. The US can’t “defend Taiwan,” and there would not be any war; that woman would be forced to surrender her claims to rulership of China. (She claims to be the official ruler of all China – just so you understand. The Western media doesn’t like mentioning that.) But there is no reason for China to put themselves in a position where they’re forced to torpedo American ships.

China doesn’t want this confrontation at all, clearly. But there is a chance the US will open a gateway to hell and/or release the trannies.