In yet another bizarre inversion of reality by the Jewish media, CNN has published an opinion piece this week by someone named Angela Dewan claiming that Vladimir Putin’s use of the conflict in the Ukraine to unify his country is “a sign things aren’t going to plan.”
This is on its face the opposite of reality, as it’s just a practical fact that any country facing external threats is going to make unification of the population a primary goal.
It is obviously impossible for me to even cover all of the direct war disinformation that these people are putting out, let alone the various mysterious narratives that they are spinning, but it’s good to take a peek now and again, just to see where exactly they are at.
Her comments are about statements made in Putin’s Wednesday speech.
Dewan writes for CNN:
Western leaders and security agencies are spending huge amounts of resources on getting into Russian President Vladimir Putin’s head. It’s a futile exercise — at times when the West has thought Russia’s war in Ukraine might be losing steam, Putin has doubled down, sending his forces to bomb maternity hospitals and shelters harboring children.
(Both of those were confirmed hoaxes by the time she wrote this, by the way. For anyone keeping track.)
Now, an apparent pause in the advancement of Russian troops has the West guessing: Has Russia’s war effort stalled? Or is it a tactical regrouping?
(There is no mystery there – Putin is working on unilaterally establishing civilian evacuation corridors. This is public information. Putin has stated it plainly, as has Lavrov, and there are all kinds of videos of it. But it doesn’t fit with “hospital bombers,” so it has to remain a mystery on CNN.)
Either way, an incendiary Stalinesque speech on Wednesday night in which Putin called Russians opposing the war “traitors” marked a change in tone and a sign that not all is going to plan, experts said. Perhaps more worrying, many observers saw it as a sign that the head of the Russian state, facing setback in Ukraine, would take a vengeful turn at home and crack down more forcefully than ever on any sign of dissent.
While some Russians support the war, many others are protesting against it in the streets, fully aware they will be rounded up by heavily armed police even for the most peaceful of demonstrations. The Russian state has made mass protests illegal, and now, insulting the military is against the law. Still, people show up in groups, while others demonstrate entirely alone. Even lone protesters have been detained, social media videos have shown.
Firstly, any representative of the American empire talking about “banning protests” is a joke person. Organized political dissent in America has been de facto banned since Charlottesville and was outright banned under virus law.
Secondly, Russians are not against the war and not against Putin, other than a few homos and women, which is why you have protests that only one person shows up to. Russia has dealt with large protests before, where there were too many people to arrest. That isn’t happening now.
Last week:
According to Russia's main state-owned pollster VTSIOM, Vladimir Putin's approval rating has been steadily rising since February. Now it stands at 74.6%. Sky is the limit. https://t.co/2EGX7Hnnar
— Artyom Lukin (@ArtyomLukin) March 11, 2022
This is what’s actually happening in Russia:
Russians in Moscow after Putin concluded his Nation Address. They support their president.
Putin’s approval has climbed to 81% today from 74% last week. pic.twitter.com/21XWewDDf4
— Azania (@azania1023) March 18, 2022
These journalists are simply lying.
With every day the war goes on, with every new sanction from the West, Putin gets more popular.
A journalist who jumped on camera on a state-controlled news program, holding an anti-war sign, has become a cause celebré for free speech in Russia. A renowned ballerina has left the Bolshoi. Russian prisoners of war are calling Putin out for using propaganda to justify the war.
Those are distorted anecdotes – two unhinged women who have spent significant time in the West, and a Ukrainian hoax. This does not impact the mathematical, statistical reality.
Putin, who has enjoyed consistently high ratings in Russia, is now turning to a strategy of intimidation to keep Russians on side, experts said. His speech Wednesday hinted darkly that those Russians who do not side with him were, in essence, traitors — chilling words in a country where mass political repressions and the Gulag system are still within living memory.
“The West will try to rely on the so-called fifth column, on national traitors, on those who earn money here with us but live there. And I mean ‘live there’ not even in the geographical sense of the word, but according to their thoughts, their slavish consciousness,” Putin said. The “fifth column” usually refers to sympathizers of the enemy during a war.
“Such people who by their very nature, are mentally located there, and not here, are not with our people, not with Russia,” Putin said, mocking them as the type that “cannot live without oysters and gender freedom.”
“But any people, and even more so the Russian people, will always be able to distinguish true patriots from scum and traitors, and simply spit them out like a gnat that accidentally flew into their mouths, spit them out on the pavement,” he said.
Russia is literally in a war, and people trained in the United States are literally siding with the enemy. That is the dictionary definition of a “traitor.”
But the moralizing is just so tiresome.
CNN darling Mitt Romney this week called Tulsi Gabbard a traitor for pointing out that the US shouldn’t have left unsecured bio warfare labs in a war zone.
Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives.
— Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) March 13, 2022
.@MittRomney and others say that I'm treasonous because I called for a ceasefire around the 25+ biolabs in Ukraine to prevent the breach of such facilities & escape of pathogens, and prevent more pandemics. Romney should resign. pic.twitter.com/nNhmM74xo1
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) March 14, 2022
I’m not doing “whataboutism” here. The US is not at war with Russia (yet). Russia is at war with the Ukraine. That means that the two countries are subjected to different standards relating to how they deal with dissent.
And yet, Americans are being called traitors for not supporting the revolutionary Jewish and neo-Nazi government of a country they can’t find on a map, and never heard of until a few weeks ago, where the US has no (stated) military interests.
The claim of the entire US government/media establishment is that their entire interest in the Ukraine is about charity. They feel very sad about the situation, so they are sending money and weapons. You cannot commit treason against a government charity program for a foreign country.
You can, however, commit treason by siding with the enemy in a war.
Here’s the meat of the thing.
For Tatiana Stanovaya, founder of the political analysis firm R. Politik, Putin’s speech proved the leader’s plan has derailed.
“It seems to me that everything is starting to crumble with Putin. This speech of his is despair, strong emotion, impotence,” she wrote on her official Telegram account.
Pointing to the situation in Russia, Stanovaya argues that Putin is losing the battle of popularity, too.
“This is the beginning of the end. Yes, they will twist everyone’s elbows, lock them up, imprison them, but it is already all without a future … Everything will crack and slip.”Elisabeth Braw, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, said Putin’s speech reflected how isolated the Russian leader had become.
“What we saw as the war began, and what we have seen since — including last night’s speech — is really the result of a man whose entire world takes place inside his head,” Braw told CNN, explaining how Putin had isolated intensely during the pandemic and was now more cut off as Western sanctions batter the Russian economy.
So… he’s getting more popular, and the fact that he is rallying the nation means he’s losing the nation (never mind the polls), plus [gibberish psychoanalysis].
This CNN op-ed is literal pablum. It is utterly without meaning or value of any kind.
At this point, these people are just stringing words together, making no attempt to connect anything to concrete reality.
This is the Covid war, really. Over two years, people were trained to shut up and accept complete nonsense from their government/media, and to do whatever they say. Now that they’ve been through that training, it’s being applied to geopolitics, and what increasingly appears to be a push for World War III.
I still don’t really believe they have the nerve for World War III, and I think they are all going to look very silly when Putin’s war finishes exactly as it was planned to finish, and they’re stuck with all of these stupid, nonsensical lies.
Of course, the trained masses will just move on to the next thing.