When is having black people in your country not a crisis?
Black people are literally walking crises.
Beijing is facing a diplomatic crisis in Africa after reports of alleged coronavirus-related discrimination against African nationals in China sparked widespread anger across the continent.
African students and expatriates in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou were last week subject to forced coronavirus testing and arbitrary 14-day self-quarantine, regardless of recent travel history, amid heightened fears of imported infections.
Large numbers of African nationals were also left homeless, after being evicted by landlords and rejected by hotels in the city.
Having reportedly contained the virus within China, concerns have grown in recent weeks over a so-called second wave, brought into the country by overseas travelers.
In Africa, however, governments, media outlets and citizens reacted angrily to the apparent rise in anti-foreigner sentiment, as videos of Africans being harassed by police, sleeping on the streets or being locked into their homes under quarantine circulated online.
No one is asking why there are blacks in China in the first place, because I guess it is just assumed in the West than blacks spring up from the ground like trees and that every country has them. In fact, China allows blacks to come there for trade.
The other thing no one is asking about is the whole thing we’ve been indoctrinated with for decades about how it is only possible for white people to be racists.
This is all anti-Chinese war propaganda.
They push “dog-eating gooks” to get the conservatives ready for war, and push “nigger-hating racists” to get the liberals ready for war.
Currently, 77% of people blame China for the virus.
An overwhelming majority of Americans believe China is responsible for the breakout of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new poll.
A Harris Poll released on Wednesday indicates that 77 percent of respondents nationally blame the Chinese government for spreading the virus. The sentiment was echoed across the political aisle with 67 percent of registered Democrats, 75 percent of independents, and 90 percent of Republicans attributing the pandemic to China.
The poll also found that 72 percent of respondents believed China had “inaccurately” reported about the impact that the virus had on its population.
So they’re going to take that anger and morph it into a war posture, by putting out all of this stupid atrocity nonsense.
Everything right now looks as though these people are attempting to start a war.