Colonel MacGregor Says Bucha Claims Do Not Make Sense

During an interview with Jackson Hinkle this week, retired Colonel Douglas MacGregor was asked about the alleged Bucha massacre, which the Ukrainian government and international Jewish media is blaming on Russia.

MacGregor said that it made no sense that the Russians would do this. He also noted that many of the bodies were wearing white armbands, which is something that Ukrainian civilians – either Russia supporters or just the uninvolved – wear in order to keep from being shot by Russians. He noted that Ukrainians have a record of killing people wearing these armbands.

He did say that it was technically possible that the Russians did do this, mentioning that the US did bad things to civilians in Vietnam.

The only thing you could say, however, is that the individual soldiers went insane – like we see in Vietnam movies.

But “soldiers became unhinged and started shooting random civilians” is not the claim. They are claiming the Russian government told soldiers “just kill a bunch of rando civilians in that one village for no specific reason.”

And they are alleging too many dead for it to just have been a few soldiers who flew off the handle and went temporarily insane from the stress of war. Based on the numbers they are presenting, it would have had to have been some kind of policy.

The simplest explanation is the simplest: after the Russians left, the Ukrainians sent in the neo-Nazi groups to kill a bunch of Ukrainian civilians to blame the Russians. We have seen the Ukrainian forces slaughtering their own civilians repeatedly throughout this conflict, so they clearly have no problem with that.

There remains no evidence that this was done by Russians.

Here’s the full interview with Colonel MacGregor that the clip is taken from.

I do recommend people listen to him, rather than being swallowed up by these nonsensical NATO narratives about how the evil Russians are “losing the war.”

He is a former high level military official who would have been Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor if it wasn’t for the sickening Jewed-out GOP Senate.