Colorado: 2 Families Sue School District for Trannifying Their Daughters

Jonathan and Erin Lee, along with their unbearably white children

It’s an interesting play to sue the school district for brainwashing children into tranny ideology, and it’s strange it hasn’t happened more often.

However, there is virtually no possibility that a suit like this can be won. Soon enough, the Biden government is going to pass a federal law that requires states to manipulate vulnerable children into mutilating their bodies in the name of this bizarre religion.

Fox News:

Two Colorado families are suing their children’s school district over allegations that teachers and administrators encouraged their daughters to join an LGBTQ club and keep its activities “secret” from them.

Parents Johnathan and Erin Lee and Nick and Linnaea Jurich, whose sixth grade daughters attend Wellington Middle-High School (WMS), sued educators at the Poudre School District Wednesday with the help of America First Policy Institute and Illumine Legal, according to a copy of the lawsuit obtained by the Daily Caller.

Not only were the activities of the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) not disclosed to parents, those who led the club’s meetings actively encouraged students to keep discussions about polyamory, suicide, puberty blockers, transgenderism, gender identity, sexuality and name and pronoun changes secret from their parents.

Teachers also invited substitute teacher Kimberly Chambers, who is the executive director of the Supporting Pride Learning and Social Happenings (SPLASH) organization that “seeks to educate school aged children on topics of sexuality and gender identity,” to speak at one of the GSA meetings, which was attended by the Lee’s sixth-grade daughter, according to the lawsuit.

Kimberly Chambers is the meatball on the left

Chambers reportedly “told the children that if they are not completely comfortable in their bodies, that means that they are transgender,” while speaking to the school club on May 4, 2021. The teacher also had children discuss what sex and gender they are attracted to and awarded students with “LGBTQ paraphernalia such as toys, flags, and other swag” if they “came out” as transgender.

The teacher told students that there was “a higher likelihood of suicide by transgender youth,” but the Lee family said their daughter did not even fully understand what suicide was at the time.

Chambers also repeatedly told students it “might not be safe to tell their parents what happened at the GSA meeting or to talk about transgender issues” and instead suggested they speak with her or other teachers. She offered students her phone number and told them to connect with her on Discord, so they could contact her at any time.

The Lees were excited that their “shy” daughter was asked to get involved in school activities because she had not had many opportunities to make friends, but they were alarmed to find out that upon returning home from the meeting she told them she “would be transitioning—despite never having had any thoughts about transgenderism before the meeting.”

Their daughter has since desisted in her desire to transition, but endured a “months-long emotional decline of gender and sexuality confusion that required counseling and included suicidal thoughts,” according to the lawsuit.

The Jurich family is suing because their daughter was subject to much of the same treatment as the Lee’s daughter, where students were told by WMS art teacher and staff sponsor of the school-sponsored GSA club, Jenna Riep, “that if they did not like their bodies, they were most likely not the gender they were ‘assigned’ at birth.”

In addition, Riep “encouraged secrecy, confidentiality, and suspicion about whether her parents could be trusted with these discussions” and invited the Jurich’s daughter to attend a meeting with SPLASH, the organization that Chambers was associated with.

Following the meeting, their daughter “began to have her first suicidal thoughts” and started leaving notes for her parents about transgenderism and stated she was “aromantic” and “asexual.” In the fall of 2021, she started to question her gender identity.

“After her experiences at the GSA club her relations with her friends deteriorated, and she was not comfortable with the idea of potentially taking classes with Riep,” the lawsuit reads. Their daughter’s emotional state “underwent a significant decline” to the point to where she asked to be homeschooled.

The girl’s smarter than her parents, or else she wouldn’t have been in a school in America in the first place.

She eventually attempted suicide by drinking an ounce of bleach and has since “verbalized that her disturbed emotional state began when she attended GSA at WMS.”

In the same district, Fox News Digital previously reported that the assistant principal of Laurel Elementary School, Amanda Pawelski, asked other administrators how she should address a student whose parents instructed school staff to not use the student’s preferred gender pronouns, according to emails posted on Twitter by the senior fellow with Independent Women’s Forum Nicole Solas.

“I feel very strongly about the student but have heard that we legally have to follow the parents’ direction due to the age of the child (elementary school),” Pawelski wrote in the email. “I’ve also heard that this is different in secondary schools due to legal determination ages.”

Just an important daily reminder: these people have still not attempted to explain how a soul gets trapped in the wrong body.

What is even more amazing is that the right does not make it one of their main talking points to ask how this process occurs.

The left is totally secular, and most of them probably do not believe in the existence of a soul. In this line of thinking, the person is their body – their consciousness is a function of the physical matter of their brain.

In fact, secular humanists actually believe consciousness is an illusion, which means free will cannot exist, which creates all kinds of logical problems, none of which are ever addressed by the right-wing, because despite the fact that the American right is overwhelmingly Christian, the right-wing media is almost all run by Jews, who choose not to push a Christian message (because Jews hate Christianity).

What the Republicans have instead is a kind of political ideology that is ostensibly designed to mesh with Christianity while not being explicitly Christian. The problem is that it doesn’t really mesh with Christianity, because the core concept is wrong. Christians have to have Christian politics, or they are not Christians. A Christian cannot believe that “two consenting adults can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own bedroom,” for example.

Donald Trump Jr. recently claimed on a podcast that he likes trannies, and supports them, he just doesn’t want kids being turned into them. In this narrative, you’ve reduced your entire belief system to an argument about the age of reason and the age at which people should be able to make decisions. This is not a strong worldview. It’s actually absurd.

I think we can all agree that when it comes to drinking alcohol or joining the military, it is logical to have an age before which you are not allowed to do the thing. But this is not a belief system, it’s just sort of an obvious, intuitive understanding about humans and their developmental process.

It also gets into this “consent” nonsense, which is the dumbest of all the modern spooks, and leads to situations that are actually unbelievable. Recently, there was a viral New York Post article about Blink 182 drummer Travis Barker’s daughter, who is 17 years and six months old, being too much of a whore for her age.

Related: Travis Barker’s 17-Year-Old Daughter Hits Out Against Claims She is Too Big of a Whore

However, in six months’ time, according to the reigning ideology, it will be empowering for her to start an OnlyFans and sell pictures of her asshole for $3.

Meanwhile, of course, she would be celebrated, at the age of 17 and six months, for cutting off her breasts and pretending to be a boy.

Republicans agree with liberals that she should have to wait six months before becoming an OnlyFans porn whore, but also argue someone who is 17 years and six months old should have to wait six months to cut off her tits.

Some Republicans are now even arguing that abortion is fine, but only for over 18s.

These discussions all become so inane that it’s difficult to believe it’s even really happening.

Here’s the fact of life: if you believe in the Bible, you need to base your views on the Bible. You cannot separate your political positions from your personal value system. That means that the libertarian dogma that infiltrated the Republican Party and the conservative movement around the time of Reagan is satanic.

If you’re a Christian, it is wrong for a girl to cut her tits off or make pornography regardless of her age, and you are obligated, as a Christian, to work to prevent these things from happening. If it is a Christian country, and you are a Christian, you have to say that homosexuality, trannyism, pornography, and every other soul-crushing Jewish sexual agenda should be made illegal, and that other, less extreme forms of sexual sin (fornication, adultery) should be at the very least discouraged by law.

You should be doing this because it is the right thing regardless, but it is also simply a matter of fact that without religion, right-wingers are incapable of forming rational arguments, and end up babbling nonsensically.

Erin Lee interview from about a year ago, when the thing started