Comments from a Reformed Homosexualist

Daily Stormer
September 10, 2014

The "gay" lifestyle is a lifestyle of death.  But a few make it out alive.
The “gay” lifestyle is a lifestyle of death. But a few make it out alive.

Below is a comment from a reformed homosexual which I thought deserved its own page. It was posted on the article “Faggots More Likely to be Mentally Ill.”

[I have cleaned up a bit of formatting and punctuation.]


I lived as a gay male for twenty years. Yes, it is extremely dysfunctional. I left the gay subculture and stopped pursuing men because I realized that it did not “help” my mental state but made it drastically worse. There is indeed an underlying disorder that homosexuals are trying to repair. Their efforts are doomed to failure though. To put it simply they never developed a male personal identity. Sexual attraction is always towards one’s opposite. Gay males have a female self-identity because they failed to separate from their mothers. A separate personal identity is formed, probably around the age of two to three years old. An absent, distant, or indifferent father is a father which does not enable the child to form a male identity. Statistics back up this idea, as there was a large increase in the number of homosexuals in Germany about 20 years after the war. Male children raised by lesbians also turn out gay at a rate much higher than those raised in standard homes, while the rate of homosexuality in male children raised by two gay males is not any different than that of the general population.

My experience in the gay world is that the healthiest people are the ones who are new to it. The gay lifestyle does not bring the happiness and well-being promised. The longer a man is in it and/or the more active he is in it is directly proportional to the amount of mental health issues he has. Those issues are alcoholism, substance abuse, abusive relationships, risky behavior and depression and suicidal thoughts.

Degeneracy seems to snowball in the lives of the men who enter that world. They quickly become disillusioned and keep looking for ever more risky and degenerate thrills. There are no monogamous relationships. Instead “partners” are partners in the pursuit of other sexual partners or drugs or violent role playing. Whatever they try, nothing seems to repair what is wrong with them, so they push the boundaries farther. Death and violence always seems to be the theme at the end of that road. If sexual attraction is attraction to one’s opposite, and it always is, then the excitement of that attraction implies a death of the individual. Union with one’s opposite implies annihilation. Gay men see superficial maleness in other gay men. When they get to actually know the real object of their attraction, they are always repulsed by the feminine nature, the true person they never saw before. Their lives are a series if such disappointments or, if they are the one who appears feminine first, of rejections. The hopelessness of their search sinks in and their frustration and despair leads a an increase in mental illness. Contrary to the gay lib propaganda, “coming out” is the worst mistake a gay male can make.

Few gay males live to old age. Those that do are those, like Quentin Crisp, who choose celibacy and who stop identifying as gay. Some do not make that choice consciously, but instead just withdraw from the lifestyle. Some, through facing the difficulties of life, and discovering an inner maleness they never knew before, a different way of dealing with conflict and negotiations and male friendships, develop a male identity at a much later date in life. They then find that they no longer have the old fixations and compulsions. They find that they have been in a sort of post-traumatic stress syndrome most of their life. Most gay males are males that live in a state if hysteria. They are trying to repair themselves by consuming masculinity from others. They live lives if profound loneliness. With most of their sexual partners barely a word is exchanged. It is understood on a subconscious level that they do not want the illusion of masculinity in the other to be shattered. Experience had taught them that they will be either repulsed or rejected, their lives must always be lonely fantasies