Congressman Censored on Twitter for Saying That Jew Tranny is a Man

Congressman Jim Banks was censored by Twitter for saying that “Rachel” Levine, the Jewish tranny who is now “the first female four-star officer,” is a man.

This isn’t really major news.

Feminist Meghan Murphy was permabanned all the way back in 2018 for tweeting “men aren’t women.”

I guess it was different to censor politicians – until they banned the sitting President of the United States.

I guess the lesson is: just try to get inside the head of a Republican politician who thinks he is going to use Twitter to his own benefit. They can censor you whenever they want. For any reason or no reason.

All tech companies have a right to do that, because America is an anarcho-capitalist country where the government does not regulate private companies – ever.

That was established in 2017, when Andrew Anglin was banned from the entire internet, completely, and forced to use only non-American services.

Anyone who is on any American internet service is on there because they are allowed to be. Because they are not considered a significant risk to the established order.

It was definitely weird that it took Twitter so long to ban Nick Fuentes – but he’s gone too now.

What this means is that leftist Jews have a complete lockdown on the entire public conversation. What that means is that any type of political victory against them is necessarily impossible. What that means is that you really shouldn’t stress about it.

I said this earlier about the immigration thing – there is nothing you can do! You can’t do anything!

We are living under complete tyranny, and this tyranny is only possible because of the censorship.

You’ll remember that this website was pretty radical back in 2017. Sometimes I even said the n-word. But part of my whole thing at the time, aside from shock humor, was that I was serving as a vanguard for the First Amendment. People who really probably should have been able to appreciate that apparently didn’t, so no one defended me when I was banned (except Tucker Carlson, Sargon of Akkad, and a few others – Alex Jones didn’t, despite the painfully obvious fact that he was next on the chopping block – which I said at the time, and which happened the next year).

Oh, wait – sorry.

Alex gets mad when you post pictures of him without his beard.

Why do you think he’s so strict about only wanting beard pictures?

Is it because…

I’ll tell you – I’m not all in with Stew Peters, I’m critical of a lot of conspiracy theories, but no one is ever going to convince me that Alex Jones is not Bill Hicks.

Anyway, what was I saying?

Oh –

You cannot have a society of anything other than a tyranny if you do not have any way to petition grievances, and the way our system is designed, freedom of press is the method for petitioning grievances.

The sort of good news – the inverse aspect – is that the elite is totally out of control and completely out of touch now that they’ve crushed any possible feedback mechanism.

Any elite is going to get out of control if they have absolutely zero feedback. But this elite was evil and Jewish from the beginning! That’s why they did the censorship in the first place!

By the way – this is “Rachel” Levine’s four-star photo:

He really is the incarnation of Miss Garrison.

He’s clearly wearing a wig, so there is basically a 100% chance that if he took it off he would be gray with male pattern baldness.

Literal Garrisonism – right there in the House of Bidens.

Did you know that Levine started out as a pediatrician?

You think there’s a reason a guy like that goes into a field where he can touch naked children?