Cops Raid Home of St. Louis Boomers, Confiscate Their Guns for Standing Ground Against Anti-White Lynch Mob

So, apparently, the cops are now just raiding the homes of people that the media claims are bad, mean people, and confiscating their guns as a punishment for being evil.

It’s being admitted that the McCloskeys committed no crime. Presumably, they’re trying to figure out something to charge them with, and can’t manage. But the guns are taken “because bad whites.”

This isn’t an isolated event. It is the new normal.


Police have confiscated a rifle owned by lawyer Mark McCloskey, seen holding the weapon in last month’s viral video as he and his armed wife confronted Black Lives Matter protesters who’d broken into their gated community.

St. Louis cops descended on the McCloskeys’ Central West End home on Friday night with a search warrant for the gun, as well as the pistol that Patricia McCloskey was seen waving around in the infamous video, local media reported. The couple’s attorney had reportedly taken possession of the pistol already.

So far, no charges have been filed against the McCloskeys, who called the police and armed themselves after more than 100 demonstrators broke through a gate near their property en route to protest in front of St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson’s house. The couple claimed protesters were explicitly threatening to kill them, burn their house down, and even kill their pets, insisting they only armed themselves upon seeing several demonstrators with weapons.

However, St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner is reportedly investigating the incident, having made clear her stance on the matter from the outset with a statement condemning how “peaceful protesters were met by guns and a violent assault.” No shots were fired during the confrontation, nor was any physical contact reported between the demonstrators and the McCloskeys.Gardner is one of several “progressive” prosecutors elected in the past few years whose campaign was bankrolled by billionaire currency speculator George Soros, and her behavior in office has hewed close to what one might expect from a Soros-backed district attorney, from releasing every person arrested during weeks of rioting following the police killing of George Floyd on Memorial Day in Minneapolis to prosecuting the state’s Republican governor for alleged invasion of privacy back in 2017.

The mob of course now knows that they’re unarmed, and have been incited by their masters in the media to want to kill them. They might just decide to strike.

Maybe they won’t. Who knows. What we do know is that the media and the government are doing everything they can to turn America into a “killing fields” type situation, where there is an open season on killing whites.

The situation with the McCloskeys is meant to send a message to all white people: “If they come for you, and you resist, your life will be destroyed. You’re better off just begging them not to kill you, presumably by telling them how much you hate yourself and love black people.”

As Tucker Carlson finally mentioned on Friday’s show, these people are going to start killing. This whole thing with the statues is simply the run-up to mass death. People need to get ready, and not do anything stupid. You cannot defend yourself. That will be a fate worse than being tortured to death by the blacks (let’s be real, there probably won’t be prolonged torture – they’ll hurt you before killing you, and they will gang rape and murder your family in front of you, but they won’t let you live for hours or anything).

You might want to consider installing a panic room.

Or, perhaps, a secret underground room.

Blacks have limited attention spans. Yes, there will be a group of white women cheering them on and demanding they press forward through obstacles and get you, but the killing is going to be mostly random, and they would just as soon move to another house and kill those white people.

So hiding might be the best option. I don’t really see how the cops can charge you with hiding from a murderous mob of blacks. But hey – maybe they’ll figure it out.