Cucked Red Cross Apologizes for Nazi Posters

Daily Stormer
June 29, 2016


No, brown people are NOT COOL at all.

Haven’t these PR people been paying attention to the Trump campaign? They should know that when you do controversial things, you should never apologize. It only makes you look weak.

So the Red Cross decided to plaster their installations with awesome racist posters. This could have been good publicity for them. But they had to blow it.


Chicago Tribune:

When Margaret Sawyer first noticed the Red Cross safety poster at a pool in Salida, Colo., she thought she was looking at an unfortunate relic of the past.

When she saw it a second time at an entirely different pool in the central Colorado town, she was shocked, according to NBC affiliate KUSA.

“I saw this one and I just kept thinking, ‘It looks like they’re trying to do something here that shows all kids together of all different backgrounds but they’re clearly not hitting the mark,'” she said.

Not only were the poster’s designers not hitting the mark, Sawyer thought, they had created an image that was racist.

To be honest, I’m shocked as well. The very idea of having all sorts of weird brown people share a pool with our kids is pretty disturbing. But I guess they didn’t have a choice with their poster design.


We must secure the fluffiness of our towels and a future for pool parties.

Sawyer complained to a lifeguard at the first facility and penned a letter to management asking for the poster’s removal, she told KUSA.

After seeing the poster a second time, she posted an image of it online.

“I felt really angry,” she said.

The poster – titled “Be Cool, Follow The Rules” – depicts various children playing at the pool.

But white children are labeled as behaving in a “cool” way while children of color who are depicted defying pool rules are labeled “not cool.”

Can you imagine being such a worthless human being that you go around noticing such trivial details, getting emotional about them and starting an angry campaign to whine and complain in public?


It’s a wonder she has time to go to the pool at all, in between feeding her cats, cleaning out their litter boxes and taking them on a walk with leashes.

As political correctness is getting increasingly insane, and it’s defenders increasingly shrill and annoying, our side is looking better and better to the average man who just wants to be left alone. Our enemies are alienating normal people, whom they hate anyway.

The chance is there for us to establish ourselves as the commonsense solution to all this horror.