Cuckold Matt Lewis Says Breitbart Trying to Steal the Alt-Right Narrative From the Daily Stormer

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 11, 2016


Some have accused me of paranoia over my claim that Milo’s Breitbart article was the beginning of a move by the publication to co-opt the Alt-Right movement and grab the title of World’s Most Visited Alt-Right Website from the Daily Stormer.

Interestingly, in an interview with the homosexual Jewish terrorist Jamie Kirchick on the rise of the Alt-Right, Daily Caller contributor and cuckservative ideologue Matt Lewis put forward this exact same theory.

Discussing Milo’s Alt-Right piece, Lewis says:

The question I have about that Breitbart piece – some people are speculating that this is a trial balloon, that they are very interested in cornering – not cornering – but sort of filling a niche. They’ve clearly decided that they’re going to be the pro-Trump outlet, going so far as to undermine their own reporter Michelle Fields, and not defend her and throw her under the bus, and this may be where they think things are heading and that this was a trial balloon and that they are basically going to become the Alt – the – as mainstream as you can get and be the – because you know, there are currently like White supremacist sites, The Daily Stormer or VDARE – I don’t even know how that’s pronounced. I only know about them because sometimes they write bad things about me. But that Breitbart might be cornering that market.

Kirchick said he hadn’t heard that theory before, but that after hearing it he agrees with it.

I don’t know who else is saying that Breitbart is trying to undermine and take-over the Alt-Right other than me. Maybe Lewis is referring to my assertion there, but more than likely I am simply insightful and he is citing other analysts who have picked up on the same thing.

It is rather obvious, in fact.

The Jews are pissed, they want to replace this movement with a new one that doesn’t talk about Jews. The easiest way to do that is to pull out the cuckold elements from the movement and use an existing major platform to push them as the leaders. Many of the hardcore people will go along with this, thinking “it’s the only way to go mainstream.” Meanwhile, all valuable concepts will be removed, and we’ll just be talking about Black people’s IQs and how White people deserve some basic rights.

And I can guarantee you this: if we stop talking about the Jew, we’ve already failed.

The comments start at around 27:30.


The whole thing is actually worth listening to. They have totally given up on the whole “neo-Nazi White Supremacist” gibberish for the most part. I want to claim credit for that – I forced them to say it over and over and over again until it lost all meaning. We make these people out to be much more intelligent than they actually are. It is not really hard to use their own energies against them.

They are now discussing the Alt-Right as a genuine movement and a genuine threat to their own cuckold/Jew power.

We’ve arrived, boys:

The cat’s out of the bag.

And the thing about this train – the thing that I’ve been meaning to tell you about this train:

It has no brakes.

Look for a whole lot more media coverage.

Look for Breitbart to continue their diabolical maneuver.

Look for ever more leaderfags.

Look for us to never stopped by anyone.

Look for the fire to rise.