Daily Reminder: US Still Pushing Toward a War with China

We’ve shifted focus over the last couple of weeks to the media talking about the allegedly impending war with Russia.

Don’t forget that the US military is continuing to harass China as well, and that China is claiming that a war is probably inevitable.

I don’t really think that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Susan Rice, Victoria Nuland, Anthony Blinken, Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin, and whoever is secretly giving these people orders (there must be someone, right?) actually want a two front World War with Russia and China. But they don’t seem to understand at all that their actions are going to necessarily lead to something like that.

People keep saying “bro, there’s not going to be any war because of [whichever obviously logical reason, you’ve got a lot to pick from].”

But I just don’t think there is any evidence that these people are acting logically or rationally or that they even understand what they are doing at all. I think that for the most part, the boomer elite has reached total peak decadence. Most of them are deep sex perverts and the rest are just very dumb, and I don’t think there is any evidence that they are going to act with any kind of precision.

Russia is not really very competent either (I think they’re slightly more competent in theory, but also much less powerful in physical terms). Russia also doesn’t seem to understand the lack of competence of the West, and instead believes they are doing some kind of 33rd degree masonic chess against them.

Conversely, China actually is competent. Like, the leadership of China is orders of magnitude more competent than that of the West. Again, they don’t have the sheer firepower advantage, but we don’t really have any idea what a 21st century war between major countries would look like. At all.

No one has explained to me yet how we still have all of these products coming from China, and why they would continue shipping them if we were at war with them. Maybe that is part of what the supply chain shutdown is about? Getting people used to not getting products from China?

But again – I don’t even think the US leadership wants a war with China! I think they think they’re bluffing!


Weird stuff.