Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 4, 2013

Five months in and we could hardly be doing any better. We are now solidly established as one of the top Antisemitic nationalist sites on the internet, and we are by far the number one nationalist news site.
As you are aware, the site became overloaded this month, to the point where it basically shutdown completely, and I went ahead and bought a dedicated server so as I don’t have to worry anymore about the resources (at least for a while).

You can check Alexa and see how we compare with other sites.
I want to thank each and every one of you for this.
Everything I have done, I have done for love.
All of those who accused me of being too extreme for wide appeal have been proven wrong. The people have spoken, and they endorse my brutal extremism.
Hopefully, Nobody Murders Me
I have had my character attacked in the most vile of ways over the last year, and yet here I am, still doing the best I can and really making a difference, educating tens of thousands of people as to the reality we are confronted with.
The only way I am going to be stopped is with bullets. Or I suppose a knife or an icepick or something. Perhaps even a strategically placed poisonous spider or scorpion or whatever.
If it comes to that, remember the young me, brothers, and carry on.
Anyone with advice on how not to get murdered, please post it in the comments section.
This Month’s Top Ten
We have the Week’s Top Ten at the right side of the page. Hopefully that is working now. For a while, it was picking one article randomly from the archives and just deciding it was important. You may remember there was an article about a giant squid featured there for several weeks. The squid is now gone, and the list appears to accurately reflect the number of views each article is getting.
Perhaps, you are also interested in the month’s top ten.
Here they are.
- White Couple Beaten and Left for Dead After Requesting Muslim Neighbor Repair the Fence
- A Psychiatrist Examines the Negro (1921)
- Remembering Josue Estebanez de la Hija, Spanish Nationalist Crucified for Defending Himself Against Antifa Traitors
- Jewish Degenerate Lou Reed Finally Dead
- Black Murdered White Man Who was Out Having Ice Cream with His Daughter Because a Dog Sniffed His Leg
- Black Rapes and Murders White Mother and Her Two Toddlers
- Norway: Immigrant Hijacks Bus, Kills Three People
- Jews Demand Open Borders for America, While Using DNA Tests to Keep Israel Racially Pure
- Black Posts on Facebook Before Murdering His Baby Daughter, Shooting Himself
- Slovakia: Nationalist Marian Kotleba Wins Regional Election
As some of you are probably conscious of, I have not updated Total Fascism in a while. The plan, of course, was to keep things going over there, but at present, the Daily Stormer is taking all my time. Eventually, we will hopefully find more capable and dedicated individuals to assist with some of the duties of this site, and I will be able to dedicate more of my time to producing in-depth analysis of the type I became famous for on TF.
However, at this point, the most important thing is to refine the method of producing simplified propaganda for the masses, so as we can continue to expand our numbers, as we prepare for revolution. Most people with an ability to think critically are already on-board, or on the verge of getting on-board, with our radical authoritarian traditionalist agenda. The job now is to focus on the masses of normal folks, and continue to drive home a few key points:
- Jews are trying to kill us all, they are responsible for every problem
- Non-White immigration is a means of killing us
- The White race is fundamentally unique and must be defended by any means necessary
- Liberalism undermines the fundamental structure of society
- Democracy is a hoax which always leads to hedonism and corruption
- Authoritarianism is the only way to preserve conservative values
All of what I post here is intended to push these points, to make them unquestionable in the minds of the reader, no matter what his education or level of intelligence.
At the same time, I believe that the intellectual or higher intelligence reader is capable of getting a lot from the site. He also needs to know the daily happenings in the news, and we also post more in-depth analysis of various topics on a daily basis, which should appeal to the highly educated.
Regarding Money
The donations in the first half of last month were quite good, and then they pretty well dropped off, save a few here and there for the second half of the month.
That could, clearly, be due to all sorts of different factors. Maybe I need to ask more. Though I really do not like asking. Possibly, the increase at the beginning of the month was due to my having posted pictures of my face after getting mugged. Of course, I cannot get mugged and post pictures every week.
Well, maybe I could. But I would like to exhaust other options before resorting to that.
Trying to complete a book has proven to be more than I can manage while also taking care of the site. I am working 80 hours a week, and there is always still more to do.
So, as to avoid the need to cut my hours on the site and take a paying job, I must ask that anyone who has money to throw my way does so.
Again, I want to make it clear that anyone who does not have the money, or is going to be under pressure by giving money, should not do so.
To the anonymous haters: this is not ‘begging’ for money. I am asking for support from those willing to give it. I am working, harder than I have ever worked in my life, to bring people a cutting edge source of news and information, and to expand the project in new ways, for the purpose of trying to save the sinking ship of Western Civilization.
Alas, I am still a living creature, and require food, warmth and coffee.
I am a simple man. I wish I still had a cellphone and could show you a picture of the room I am staying in at time of writing – the rats are eating the cockroaches, but I may have to release pythons to deal with these damned rats.
Click here to donate:
There’s also a button at the top right.
Or, if you don’t use PayPal, you can send cash (or whatever else) here:
Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street
Worthington, Ohio
Forward, March
The plan is to continue to expand.
The most obvious next step, as I have mentioned, is a forum. I am loathing the idea, given the hassle which is necessarily involved. But it must be so.
After that, I’m going to try to figure out some radio. I have no idea how setting up a streaming internet radio station works, and Google has proved unhelpful.
Anyway, this is a ways down the line, but I wanted to throw it out there in case anyone has any thoughts on it.
Forgive me if I don’t answer your emails. I do try. But this box now fills up in real time, and it is physically impossible for me to respond to all of these. Though please, continue to send them if you have something you need to say.
I am still very keen on getting as much original material on the site as possible, and good article submissions are very welcome. If you are submitting an article, or sharing a blog you run, please mark include this in the email heading.
That’s It
That’s all I’ve got today.

Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin
December 4, 2013