White Couple Beaten and Left for Dead After Requesting Muslim Neighbour Repair the Fence

A couple were beaten with a baseball bat and left for dead after they asked a neighbour to mend a hole in their garden fence, a court heard.

November 24, 2013

Stan Foster and Eileen Broooks are still suffering from the vicious attack
Stan Foster was brutally beaten with a baseball bat, even while he was lying there defenseless on the ground. Eileen Brooks was also attacked when she bravely tried to shield the blows.

Eileen Brooks, 44, and her partner Stan Foster, 52, repeatedly but politely requested Mohammed Tabib Shafiq to repair the damage he had caused, only each time to be told “tomorrow”.

When they asked again in April for the taxi driver to take action after their dog escaped through the hole, Shafiq snapped, the court heard.

Mohammed Tabib Shafiq was jailed for 10 years after attacking his neighbours with a baseball bat
Muslim thug Mohammed Tabib Shafiq was jailed for 10 years for the unprovoked attack.

After saying “one minute”, he returned with a baseball bat and hit Mr Foster up to five times round the head, even when he was on the ground.

Shafiq, 22 – who was jailed for 10 years for the brutal assault – also smashed former care worker Miss Brooks in the face as she tried to protect her partner.

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