Dead Black Child Terrorist Tamir Rice was 5′ 7″, 195 lbs

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 13, 2014

"Nigga ah bees bodda fuq yo azz up, soos ah's ges dun wif dis habby mill." -Child Terrorist Tamir Rice, speaking to a colleague at the McDonald's playplace
“Nigga ah bees bodda fuq yo azz up, soos ah’s ges dun wif dis her habby mill.” -Child Terrorist Tamir Rice, speaking to a friend at the McDonald’s playplace

The little Black bastard who was shot to death by cops for terrorizing people with a fake gun that looked real was 5′ 7″ and 195 pounds, according to his autopsy report, which was released Friday.

This is the size of a normal grown man, a fact I am aware of because I am this size.  I actually weigh twenty pounds less, and I’m in good shape (he must have been a bit fat, no way that is solid muscle).

The average male height in America is 5′ 10″.

The autopsy allegedly also showed that there were no drugs in his system.

I do feel bad for the brat and his family, as it is a sad thing to have a child die, but come on.  He was waving a gun around pointing it at people, he was the size of a grown man and he was Black.  Maybe the cops should have tried harder to avoid killing him – and they probably would have if Blacks weren’t so prone to shooting people – but pretending like this kid didn’t have it coming is idiotic and just goes to further discredit the Black whiner movement.