Deeezghusting Kike Jonah Goldberg Gets Groyped, Says Michelle Malkin is an Insane Anti-Semite!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 15, 2019

Jewish National Review editor Jonah Goldberg was groyped Thursday night.

The Groyper asked about the National Review JEWS supporting the vicious attacks on the Covington Catholic kids.

Goldberg attacked him for asking the question at all, saying he was part of a group of evil people. The Groyper said our group wasn’t evil, and that Michelle Malkin supports us.

Goldberg then mocked Malkin, said he’d known her for 25 years and that she has gone insane and is now an anti-Semite.

That whole thing is sort of confusing to me. Malkin – as you can tell by her last name – is married to a Jew. I’m starting to think that she might be separated or in a divorce, if Goldberg is saying she’s an anti-Semite. But she isn’t vocally supporting Nick Fuentes’ or the America First movement’s views on Israel and the Jews, she is only talking about our views on immigration.

Obviously, she can support our views on immigration without supporting our views on Israel and the Jews WITHOUT being “anti-Semitic.” I honestly hope she does come out and support our views on Israel as well as our views on immigration, but she can support one and not the other.

She can also say that Conservative, Inc. needs to come up with an explanation for their virulent pro-Semitism without being against the Jews. Saying that anyone who thinks Charlie Kirk needs to explain why we are sending $3.8 billion a year in free money to Israel hates the Jews is insane, and it is that type of attitude that is going to lead to more people hating the Jews.

Calling her an anti-Semite for simply saying “talk to Fuentes” though is almost an admission of a Jewish conspiracy.

Malkin responded to Goldberg. She implied that Goldberg doesn’t know her and said she’s been consistent for 25 years.

I believe that.

Jonah replied with a whole entire putrid load of toxic Semitism.

Michelle told him where he could shove it.

The lipless fink Christopher Matthias even got involved (he’s been silent about Groyper War up until now, as has the entire staff of HuffPo and the SPLC).

I’m very thankful to Michelle.

As are others.

I think Michelle was pro-war in the Middle East, which made her “sane” according to Jews like Goldberg. But really she is just a Catholic Filipina who hated Moslems. Basically, these wars were sold to the American people as “we are just going to go kill a bunch of Moslems for revenge.”

It took a few years to realize that at the same time that George Bush was fighting these wars, he was flooding us with Islamic immigrants.

Let’s remember that Ann Coulter also supported these wars, and she is now basically 100% on board with everything we support (including the Jew stuff, by all appearances).

Here are some clips from Malkin’s speech at UCLA on Thursday night – which was all about the AmNat movement and our glorious CRUSADE.

Here’s the full transcript.

At the event, she met up with our friend Vince.

And she was attacked by Jews over it.

She told them to heck off.

Like everyone, I’m hesitant about Malkin because of her marriage. But so far, she’s holding the line, and being really great.

I think that the spirit of God has perhaps moved on her, and that is overpowering whatever links she has to satan’s children.